Backlash Part One – The Great Libfem Con


Why were feminists always hated until now? We are witnessing a strange new phenomena, an age where even men seem keen to don the label feminist.


It might seem good on the surface right, like finally men have grown some empathy or something?


Just what we women always hoped for eh?


Unfortunately, this is far from the case.


Feminism used to be a dirty word, because feminism used to challenge the patriarchal system of dominance.


Now feminism has been blunted, in the guise of liberal feminism, it poses no threat to the male system of dominance over women aka patriarchy.  


So of course it’s not a dirty word anymore, in fact it’s a useful word, as it conditions women into thinking they aren’t oppressed anymore because everyone, everything, is feminist now.


Now, feminism is the progressive buzz word on everyone’s lips in the West, political parties are keen to champion the cause, celebrities of both sexes regularly claim to be feminists, and the term is constantly bandied about in popular media.


You’d think, with all this apparent newfound enthusiasm for all things feminist that the centuries old system of patriarchy would be done with by now wouldn’t you?


Scratch ever so lightly the glossy surface of the utopia liberal feminism imagines every women to be living in though, and the inequities and injustices are glaringly obvious.


Once women see the truth of their own oppression through the lens of radical feminism, they can’t deny it.


Liberal feminism masks women’s oppression but because it does this, it’s extremely vulnerable to reality.


Even something as simple as asking a liberal feminist conditioned woman if she really believes she’s treated with the same respect as her male colleague, husband, or brother, can create a  powerful triggering effect that forces her to confront a reality, she’s long suspected existed, but that her liberal feminist ideology forced her to suppress.


Other great questions to ask a liberal feminist or any woman who has bought into the liberal lie of equality…


Why are high acheiving women still regularly paid 20% less than their male counterparts?


Why, is there a 5.7% prosecution rate of all rape cases committed upon females in England and Wales?


Why is it a human rights violation for a biological male to be denied the right to define themselves as a woman but absolutely fine for women to be told they cannot talk about the basic facts of their biology?


And if we really are all equal now, why are women’s appearances constantly scrutinized while men’s largely left alone, no matter how they appear?


Gay men have more cultural visibility now, including feminine gay men, but where is the Butch lesbian? Where, even is the lesbian at all?


And why is it considered taboo  to ask a gay man to consider a relationship with a biological woman, or a straight man to consider a relationship or sexual encounter with a male, but expected that lesbian’s at least consider accomodating biological men aka trans women in their beds?


Could it be that for all the hyperbole liberal feminism is not really feminism at all?


Could it be women still have a need, a very great need for actual feminism, radical feminism, real feminism? The kind of feminism that gives women the solution to their actual problem – male cultural domination.


Feminism used to have fangs, which was why men didn’t like it very much.


Why would they? Feminist philosophy challenged the unequal slave caste system they had built for themselves on every level.


Radical feminists dismantled the social untruths men had been peddling for centuries, such as women weren’t equipped to be engineers, mechanics, or math professors, providing men with reams of evidence to the contrary, women excelling in these and all of the other fields we’d previously been barred from entering.


We did this by raising consciousness in females, awakening them to their own oppression, and offering them a healthier alternative than the patriarchal system that limited their lives.


We did this by pressuring the patriarchal system to allow women access to opportunities, education, and jobs previously denied to us.


Thanks to the Second Wave of feminist activity in the 70’s, we forced the doors open to so many areas of life we had been previously excluded from.


We also challenged the rigid sex stereotypes that dictated women should always be feminine.


This was important and went way beyond mere superficial appearances because by first dubbing feminine inferior, then forcing women to be feminine,  and dictating to us what feminine looks like, men had successfully subordinated us to the role they like women in best – servile and passive.


So we rejected the sex stereotyping that told us we must wear make up, wax the hair from our bodies, and don painful stilettos that cripple our feet and cause us injury. We did this because not all of us were feminine, some of us were masculine,  and certainly none of us were feminine in the way men wanted us to be.  


We redefined what the feminine actually is, which looks nothing like the patriarchal construct of femininity, and we also asserted that women can have masculine traits, behaviours, appearances, manners of speech, ways of sitting, and styles of dress, and that this is totally normal and natural.


We did this because in all our glorious diversity as females, whether we were a masculine expressing female or a feminine expressing one, we wanted to be ourselves.  


Previously, before the Second Wave,only men were allowed to be themselves and we weren’t having that anymore.


We wanted to be truckers and oil rig workers, mechanics, and math professors, CEOs and bankers, we wanted to wear pants and cut our hair, we wanted to go make up free, and yes, of course some of us didn’t want those things but that was fine too.


Because not all men want to be truckers and CEOs and bankers and mechanics either. Not all men want to wear pants, some of them want to wear dresses, some of them are much more comfortable staying home and looking after the kids than holding down a 9-5 and being the main breadwinner.


That never held back the men that did want those things though.  Why should it, when people are naturally diverse, why should people be limited?


Except of course, women were not considered people back before the Second Wave occurred.


And liberal feminism is working overtime to ensure any progress we have made to liberation is being eroded, indeed we are currently undergoing a big backlash against the idea that women are people in our own right.


Limiting women by enforcing the rigid sex role system ensures patriarchy can continue.


We tried to change that, and we were making progress, but then came the backlash.


We knew men would try to resist women’s newfound emancipation but I don’t think even we could anticipate the multitude of sneaky and devious ways the patriarchy would double down to cling on to an unequal status quo.


So how, after we’d made so much progress, how did society circle back on itself  to the point where the idea of what a woman is, is once again all about the constructed stereotype of femininity.  The woman box is narrow once again, and according to society comes with liking pink, having long hair, speaking softly, being feminine, and wearing dresses and make-up.

How did we go backward?


And how the hell did we get to the mess we’re currently in where feminism itself has been co-opted and subverted to uphold patriarchy?


Stay tuned for the next part of how the patriarchy lashed back at the Second wave gains feminists had made coming in my next blog post…and stay radical my sisters;)

Let’s make 2018 the year we kick patriarchy in the balls…



Feminism is apparently 2017’s word of the year, according to dictionary site Merriam-Webster.


This year was the year we saw the #MeToo campaign, and the outpouring  of account after account of incidents of sexual harassment, rape, and assault that women have suffered at the hands of men.


It might seem that finally women are feeling empowered to speak out about the injustices we suffer every day because of our sex class.


Yet, liberation is more than just a hashtag, more in fact even, than just being able to get your attacker to actually serve decent jail time.


True liberation for women will only have arrived when every woman on the planet is valued as a person fully deserving of respect, regardless of whether males approve of her existence, appearance, manner, career, ambitions, and behaviour.


At the moment, we are so far from that point as a sex class.


Yes, sex exists, it is real, and it is the core reason we are discriminated against.


If anyone, particularly a male person,  tries to tell you sex does not exist, know that what they are actually attempting to do is prevent you from naming your oppression.


Our biology has, for centuries made us almost universally hated, distrusted, and derided, by men, and because of our biology we have been made second class citizens.

Because of our biology our reproductive choices have been dictated to us by men, we have been subjected to sexual assault, rape, murder, torture, and abuse, again by men, we have been barred from education, the right to vote, and from entering the professions.

And because of our biology, we have been forced to behave, look, talk, walk and dress, as male people want us to, and then dubbed inferior when we have co-operated.


When we have not co-operated we have been demonized, persecuted, medicalised, dismissed as lunatics, or downright ignored.


When brilliant women like Margaret Hamilton, the woman who wrote the code that took humanity to the moon, pop up, they are immediately written out of history.

Of course they must be. Patriarchy cannot tolerate examples of female excellence.

It’s a startling testament to the persistence of women, that Hamilton  managed to achieve what she did, given the regressive  misogynistic atmosphere of the 60’s, where it was much harder for a woman to  get an education than it is in most Western societies today, where there were even less women in science and far less professional women in general.


Yet Hamilton comes along, a clear example of the potential and brilliance and tenacity of women, and what does the patriarchy do with her?


Does it applaud her?  Praise her for her triumph despite every obstacle being pushed in her path?


No.  Instead it rewarded her immense contribution to humankind by writing her out of history and giving a man the credit.


There are millions of Margaret Hamiltons, both in the past and today, women who from the start are discouraged from bettering themselves through education.  Instead of educating themselves, following their passion, and nurturing healthy ambition, women are encouraged by patriarchal culture to become fashion models, strippers, prostitutes, wives, stay at home mothers, domestic servants, appearance obsessed airheads who’s only concern is to make themselves as decorative as possible so they are prime objects for male sexual desires.


Our society does love a servile woman who knows her place, I.e. beneath a man, always.


When women stick two fingers up to patriarchy and persist anyway, even when they excel in their careers, as we frequently do, we are continually undermined, under praised, harrassed, under promoted, and overlooked, simply because we belong to a sex class that male people continually want to oppress.


We are not a free people when society so freely hates and disrespects us if we refuse to adopt the servile position, an inferior station to men.


We are not free if society does not take our word for it when we say we have been assaulted, harassed, raped, beaten, tortured.  And it often does not take our word for it, according to, of the 85,000 rapes committed upon women in England and Wales, in the year 2017, only 5.7 % resulted in a successful prosecution.


We are not free when we have to remove our body hair lest we be ridiculed and reviled when we walk down the street.


We are not free when we have to starve our bodies of nourishment and healthy food in order for our presence in the world to be tolerated, and for insults and slurs like “fat cow” or “pig” not to be levelled at us.


We are not free when we are sold and traded, trafficked, and used by males for their sexual pleasure.


We are not free when so many legal images and videos of us exist that depict us in degrading positions, being choked, raped, beaten, strangled, tortured, and generally denigrated.


We are not free when we reject males as sexual partners because we prefer females, and society thinks it has the right to force us to accept a penis in our bed, and if we still refuse, label us bigots.


Yes trans activists and liberal feminists I’m talking about you here.


If you are a female person who is not yet a radical feminist, you might even imagine you are free, that because you have a good job, a boss who praises you instead of criticizes you, a husband that loves you, you are lucky.


But are you free, really?  How much of your life is lived as you truly would want to live it, and how many times do you do things, say things, wear things, not because you want to but because you feel you have to?


How many times have you felt afraid walking home alone at night because of the threat if male violence?


How often have you wished you could ask your partner to do his share of the chores but feel you can’t do it because it would emasculate him and he might get angry?


How many times have you lowered your voice in the presence of a man, let him talk over you, undermine you, patronize you, while the whole time you simmered quietly inside?


Would you really, truly want to shave your legs if you could be liked, loved in your natural, hairy state?


Men can. They are loved and liked by our society in all shapes and sizes, old and young, fat and skinny, balding and hirsute.


Men do not owe society the debt of being beautiful, for women the luxury of being fine however they are is not allowed.


We must be beautiful and what is considered beauty is solely defined by males.


Men do not live in fear of sexual violence, men do not feel they must lower their voices or stifle their opinions when women are present.


They have not been socialised to be servile, they have been socialised to be waited on, so they do not help out, because they have been taught that to do so is women’s work.


 Why should women not be deserving of exactly the same respect as men? Why should we need to be beautiful in order to be allowed to exist? Why should we live in fear of male predatory behaviour, harassment, assault, and abuse?

Why should we have to serve men?

Even when we make ourselves beautiful we are still despised, a woman who is viewed as beautiful by patriarchal standards has no more respect, no more voice than a woman viewed as unattractive.


The only difference of course, is the beautiful woman gets the dubious reward of being even more sexually objectified. But all women, no matter how they appear, are sexually objectified, because under patriarchy we are only viewed as objects, objects that exist solely to serve men, for their sexual pleasure.


Our value is directly correlated to how sexually appealing we are to males.  Every single female person who is born learns this, which is why so many of us are desperate to adopt the costume of femininity, the robes of a hairless, infantile, brainless, docile, servile, silent, passive, painted male created parody, a grotesquerie of what men want women to be.


Men do not seem to want opinionated women, strong women, women with lush full hips and natural breasts, men  do not want hairy women with bushy armpits and unshaven legs, men do not want successful, brilliant, powerful women.


Most of all men seem firmly opposed to women’s true liberation, to us living as freely as men live, to us being respected as men are.


Of course men don’t want us to be free.  Why would they?


They are addicted to the thrill of their superiority, outraged at the very idea of having to share the world with women on any kind of equal footing. Men are entitled to the point of gross arrogance at the very idea that we might be our own beings.


In men’s minds, women only seem to exist for men.


The reason radical (aka real) feminists are derided is because we say the exact  opposite. We demand to exist only for ourselves.  Patriarchy cannot bear a truly feminist woman, because she continually refuses to exist for men.


She does not need male approval, even if she is sexually attracted to men, she still does not seek their approval.

Just as men who are sexually attracted to women do not seek their approval, the radical feminist who is attracted to males sexually, does not need male approval.

If men are in her life, it will be on her terms, in a mutually respectful, healthy, relationship geared towards equal pleasure for both sexes.


The reason so many women co-operate with patriarchy, why they pluck, wax, shave, and starve, why they do not speak up, why they play dumb when males are around, why they do not display their anger, is not because women have a deep seated burning desire to be as sexually attractive as possible to as many men as they can, so they can have endless bouts of sexual gymnastics.


It’s not about sexual attraction for women. It’s about needing, desperately needing to survive.  To not have the whole of society turn on you, persecute you, humiliate you, insult you, threaten you, and sometimes even, kill you.

For women, culture indoctrinates us that to survive in this culture we need to be sexually attractive to males.


Culture teaches us, we must be complicit to male desire. It tells us we must be pretty, passive, subservient, and that if we are not we will suffer a heavy penalty.

Women are killed every day, even in Britain, supposedly one of the most progressive countries on the planet for women, killed for not cooperating with patriarchy, for daring to go against their violent husband’s wishes, for standing up to men’s abuses, for refusing their sexual advances.


Women everyday in Britain, and countries all across the globe are publicly insulted for their weight, looks, appearance,  and manner of dress.


Women everywhere are punished should our behaviour be deemed unacceptable, I.e. if we are anything other than passive, docile, servile, particularly if we are not passive, docile, servile to men.


It’s no coincidence the latest wave of so called progressive lefty men rush to champion the prostitute, or as they dub prostitutes, sex workers.  


That’s their ideal woman, objectified, exploited, dependant on men for her source of income, hyper-feminized, there solely for male sexual use.


No wonder these so called progressive men much prefer the idea of decriminalizing prostitution, including making it completely legal for pimps and johns to buy and sell women and girls.


No wonder those men eschew the Nordic Model, which criminalizes only the sex buyers, and decriminalises the prostitute, a model that has not only been proven to increase prostituted women’s safety, but also provides them with exit strategies, education, and even financial support so they can leave the exploitative sex trade far behind.


In short, the Nordic Model is a nightmare model for men who seek to exploit women.


The last thing those men want is less women available for their sexual use. Men in general, it must be said, seem to love powerless women, and appear to hate women with agency.


Our media reflects this, we greedily consume story upon story of women as victim, or hyper-sexualized doll mmming and hawwing in fake sympathy at the rape victim, or scrutinizing Kim Kardashian’s thighs, all the while vicariously enjoying the thrill of a subjugated or sexualised woman.


And when we do see a story about a powerful woman, a political woman, a successful female scientist, as a society we feel revolted, our instinct being outrage, how dare she rise above her station?


In our culture, we love to see a powerful woman stripped of her agency, removed of her dignity, disgraced in her profession.


That will teach the uppity c**t, thinks the misogynist.


Oh, Mr Misogynist, we powerful women, we do not lie down. Not for you, so you can beat off in a grubby basement to your hate porn, not for any tom, dick, or harry down the street who thinks they have the right to grade us according to the male scale of value, according to our looks.


We do not lie down,not ever, not for the rapist who chokes us, or beats us, not even when he is penetrating us, he still cannot possess us, for we will never lie down.


We are powerful women, women the world over have this power to resist within them, and so, indeed, all women are powerful.


Women united are especially powerful.


Misogynist, you should fear this.


As a sex class, we will always rise, just like we have always risen, just as we have always resisted you.   We will be free.


We will work too, to ensure our sisters are free from your clutches.


We will do this because we know that until women as a class are free, until every woman is free, none of us are free.  For as long as it is acceptable for women to be culturally derided for daring to not be decorative, for as long as sexual crimes against women continue to be disregarded as low level crimes, if they are regarded as crimes at all, if you are female you are not free.


None of us can be free. Yet.


We are not free yet. We must change that, so my hope is this year, this coming 2018, every female person will awaken to her bondage.  I hope women everywhere will begin to identify the many, many ways we are bound by the invisible chains of patriarchy, and I hope we will begin to break those chains that bind us.


As as radical feminist I am single minded in my desire to bring women to consciousness, to empower then to shake free of the shackles of patriarchy.


There are many like me.  We cannot be silenced.


 I hope every female will soon come to discover the radical position and learn how it can help to undo the misogynist conditioning that has been indoctrinated into her since birth.  


We must undo the false doctrine that has taught women to live in fear and detest our own bodies, that tells us we are not beings in her own right, entitled to our own desires, thoughts and feelings but that we must only exist to please men.


No, we do not. We reject this doctrine.  We exist for ourselves.


Let’s, as women, unite with other women to demand true liberation, for all women, everywhere.


And let’s say bollocks to patriarchy this 2018.

Men will always make the same choices…women need to take power for ourselves…

80d94593082e33c9518f7dd8978f11bc-554It’s striking the amount of deep-rooted hatred, revulsion and disrespect our society, and the world holds towards women.


Misogyny is rife nearly everywhere you turn, from Matt Damon’s patronising and public attempt to define how women should feel about sexual harassment, to the way some trans rights activists think it’s acceptable to tell women what they should call themselves, issuing rape and death threats to biological women for daring to mention their biology.  

Misogyny, aka the hatred of female born women,  is at the heart of all the discrimination, harassment, rape, torture, infanticide, and slaughter of female babies, girls and women, in Britain, in America, and all across the globe.


Some people think women have come a long way, and while that may be true in certain countries in some respects, I.e women can now study at university in modern day Britain, have careers as lawyers, doctors etc… in many other crucial ways, misogyny has never disappeared and has even morphed into evermore malignant strains.


What am I talking about? 


Perhaps you think it’s not possible that anything could be worse for women today than it was in say Victorian times or even medieval times?


No one would argue that in medieval times women had more freedom than today, that would be an obvious nonsense.

Medieval women had to suffer the scold’s bridle, witch trials, and were banned from getting an education and entering the professions.

But unlike modern women they didn’t have hate porn.  They didn’t have pressure to be a size Zero and the subsequent skyrocketing rates of anorexia that we see in girls and women today, they didn’t have trans activists issuing them death threats for daring to state that yes, the female sex exists.


I say this not to advocate a return to medieval times, which would be frightful, but to illustrate the many and devious ways the slippery serpent that is misogyny develops, morphs, and changes – in response to women’s progress in society.

As soon as women make any kind of progress towards making their own choices, if those choices are in conflict with the ones men want women to make, you can be sure misogyny will rear its ugly head.

After all, what is hate porn but the sexualization of men’s contempt, anger, and frustration to women?

The endless videos and pictures depicting women being choked, raped, beaten, insulted, slapped, and otherwise denigrated and humiliated are regularly viewed by men in their millions.

This is material designed by males for males, created so males can derive a puerile sense of power from watching the denigration of a female human being.


Why do they need to do this, particularly now?  

Why now are we seeing the influx of this stuff, why are we bombarded with wave after wave of images and videos depicting the cruel, inhumane, and nausea inducing acts that men want to do to women or at the very least, to see done to women.


Apart from the obvious answer, which is that as humanity embraces technology the creation and sharing of all sorts of materials good and bad is enabled, there is another simple, yet appalling truth to be found.


There is a clear correlation with the rise of hate porn that depicts the denigration of women and the shift that has taken place in society, where (some) women have broken free of the patriarchal home (aka kitchen) shaken off their (un) happy housewife role and begun to participate in careers and public life for themselves.  More women today than ever before, at least in modern Britain, have a voice, have financial independence, choose not get married, or have children.


For some reason, seeing women make independent choices they (men) don’t want them to make, and having to interact with women on any sort of equal platform makes men itch. It makes them feel uncomfortable.


It’s not an exaggeration to say they outright resent it,  I have known some men who are incensed to the point of rage just by seeing a women with power with position, with a voice.




The big reason for this is patriarchal society, a society that conditions men from birth to believe that they and only they must be the brave adventurers venturing forth into the world, they and only they should earn the money, they and only they are capable, clever, rational, logical, talented.


So when along a woman comes who is cleverer, better, smarter, more logical, more talented than they, or heck, when any woman comes along at all doing anything men have been taught only they should do, well hey presto.

Men panic. Men hate.

Men panic and hate because her very presence makes them feel less “masculine”.  This is something most men desperately need to feel because culture, their culture, continually tells them they must.

By purporting the lie that males must be masculine and females feminine, and assigning superiority to the masculine and inferiority to the feminine, men ensure they must be masculine, whether they are or not, or they fail to be a man.

They’ve trapped themselves, the poor deluded fools.

In reality anyone can be masculine or feminine, regardless of sex. Boys can like baking, or wearing pink, or paint painting their nails, just because those are “feminine” things it doesn’t mean they have failed as men. Equally, girls can enjoy climbing trees, digging dirt, driving monster trucks, and shaving their heads, just because those are seen as stereotypical masculine things, it doesn’t mean they aren’t women.

Liking feminine things or being feminine in your expression, behaviour, or speech does not a woman make. Femininity is not the sole preserve of women but in patriarchy it gets forced on us because it is dubbed inferior by MEN.

So when confronted with a powerful woman,  the fragile little lambs (men)  are faced with a threat.  They feel less of a man and need to actualise themselves back to feeling masculine quick smart. 

The typical, easiest and quickest (sickest? way they have managed to get back to feeling the sense of superiority this sick, sick society tells them they should have, is by denigrating that woman, any woman, all women.

Sick, ain’t it?   And to think, they’ve done all this, not only to women but also to themselves.

All because men’s need for a slave class, a subjugated people (women) is so great. So great, they don’t care even if men suffer because of it. The irony is that even though men are benefiting from patriarchy, they are also suffering from patriarchy too.  Not that I much care at this point in time.

I care about women.  Women did not create patriarchy, they do not benefit from it. I centre them.

And so men stubbornly continue, clinging to patriarchy, instead of just embracing people, all people, as people.  People with an infinite ability to be feminine or masculine, irrespective of sex.  You’d think one of these days men would, you know, do the human thing wouldn’t you?


And to think women are the ones that get blamed for everything.

Men today might well have a female doctor, a female professor, a female boss, but if they can still degrade women as a class, if they can reduce us to nothing but objects, bodies, then men can, in their own tiny minds, keep their special (aka) superior status.


None of this is women’s problem of course. They didn’t create patriarchy, they didn’t create a society that keeps pushing this unhealthy viewpoint onto males, a viewpoint which women end up inevitably bearing the brunt of.


Men did. This is what they do, this is what they will always choose to do whenever they have freewill to create whatever society they want.


This is not a hateful thing to say, it is simply the truth. It’s been centuries, millennia even now.


We can only come to the conclusion that this is what men do.


Who has had freewill to fashion the world in the way they want to for centuries?  Clue, it’s not women.


The way the world is, in a patriarchy, is exactly how men want it. There are no excuses that can possibly be made on men’s behalf for the society they have created, a society that consistently despises women.


If women want a different world, there is no other choice but to take the power.  Whenever they have the power, men will always make the same choices, albeit in different ways, a fact evidenced by patriarchy all over the globe. From Britain to Afghanistan, wherever men are in control, patriarchy thrives, and women receive second class status.


My plea is this, to any woman reading this, if you have not already aligned yourself with radical feminist causes, if you are not yet working to end patriarchy, to end the power men have over women, my question is why?


Don’t you deserve better? Better than being labelled a second class citizen?  


If you are disheartened because you feel men will never relinquish their power you are right.


But we don’t need men to give up their power.  Because we have the power to take it from them.


If you think I’m wrong, just imagine this.


If every woman on the planet said no to patriarchy, stuck two fingers up to misogyny, if every woman united in support, the way sisters can unite and have proved they can unite before, the way we have united in other struggles against injustice, do you think we would still have a patriarchy?  


I think not. I know not.


If women everywhere unite in solidarity, patriarchy will be done with overnight.


It wouldn’t matter what men want or how much they resisted.   Half the world’s population is more than enough to win this war. Let’s pluck misogyny out by the root and create a culture where misogyny cannot thrive, a world that nourishes and cherishes women.  And after we create this world, then let’s remain ever watchful so misogyny can never grow back.


If you have a female body, don’t you want to live in a world where you can flourish? I know that world is long overdue…

Look up your local radfem group on FB, or other online spaces, and look too, for ways to reach out and connect with radical feminists in the offline world.

Let’s band together in sisterly solidarity and make a world that loves and respects women.


Why the sneaky backlash against radical feminism happened…(and one way we can fight back)

Anything that has the potential to topple the established social order as we know is always viewed as scary and a threat to society, at least at the outset.  You can often judge how close to the mark a cause hits home by assessing how many are strongly opposed to it, hark back to the pre-civil rights area to see just how many felt threatened by people of colour gaining equal status, at least under law.

As well, women’s full, true liberation directly threatens men’s assumed superiority, jeopardizes their pleasure, dissolves their control, and shatters the natural advantage they have by sheer dint of just being born biologically male.

A society that doesn’t look down on women, or view them as inferior to men, a society run by women, or at least one where women have a dominant say, just as men do now is extremely terrifying to anyone that currently stands to benefit from the status quo.

Guess who that is?


It’s more puzzling why so many women rush to support the current social order but the matter becomes clearer when you scratch the surface.  Women want male approval because they love men.  They have not yet learned that men don’t like them back very much, at least not when they demand to be treated with equal respect.

This has not as much to do with actual sexual attraction as some people think it does.  Often an argument given as to why women don’t support feminist causes goes thus – women want to be sexually desirable to men and dominance in women is a turn off for most men.

It’s not as simple as that.

It’s a plain fact that if we were living in a matriarchy, if we had never heard of male dominance, men would still be sexually attracted to women and the reverse would be equally as true.  There is plentiful evidence of this in the matriarchal and matrilineal cultures that flourish today, including in Nagovisi, New Guinea and Umoja, Kenya.

Even a misogynist wouldn’t bother to argue that you can fight who you’re attracted to.

It’s also a near certainty that if we were living in that kind of society, it wouldn’t be a stigma at all for women to be ambitious, to be dominant, to be educated, to be aspirational.

Neither would women have the low status they do now, because in that kind of society, such viewpoints simply wouldn’t be tolerated.

Why did it wind up the other way around?

Not because of male excellence, though that’s what the misogynists would like to suggest but something else.



Violence is the one area where biological males truly excel and they have a natural advantage too, in their strength and in their size.  Look back in history and you’ll generally find that the winners nearly always had stronger armies, better equipment, were more militarily skilled, or had the police or other enforcement officers of the law on their side.

This meant the winner rulers history remembers were not the best candidates for the job by a long shot, but did have the most muscle.  Even as recently as 1970, women who were demanding access to institutions that had long been male bastions, were being arrested and brutalized.

Violence, or the threat of it, does pay, at least it has worked out that way for men.

This is the bottom line and the biggest reason why, for so many centuries, women have kept quiet, in fear of their lives.  If you are scared witless of losing your life or your freedom, of having your children taken away from you, or of being raped or brutalized, I’d say that’s a fairly effective deterrent wouldn’t you?

Even so, there have always been brave outliers, women who would oppose and defy the system, whether overtly, as the suffragettes did, or covertly, as George Elliot did when she published under a male name and defied the strict dress code of the time by wearing pants.

However nowadays, at least in Western countries, things are a changing.  It’s no longer so publicly acceptable, at least in some people’s minds, to beat a protester, or lock them up, when they have done nothing except suggest a revolutionary idea.

Women can use this to their advantage, as an effective tool to raise consciousness, though it won’t win them the war.

Because there is also now another spanner in the works and this one’s a lot more sneaky than violence.  Capitalism has now harnessed the earning power of modern women, and as well as selling their bodies for profit, as it always has done, it’s now selling things for their bodies direct to them by manufacturing discontent.  In a 2016 Dove survey, only 20% of UK women and girls expressed any positive feelings about their appearance.

The backlash against feminism’s gains, has been remarkably effective.

It uses several tools to control women and keep them unhappy, in their own bodies, and therefore easy to subjugate and sideline.  The beauty industry and the cultural “beauty norms” it promotes are the strongest tool of the patriarchy in Western culture, now women in increasing numbers are entering the professions, and excelling in their chosen career.

The myth of the happy housewife, has been shattered, but a new, perhaps even more oppressive female stereotype has taken her place – the uber-sexualized, hyper-feminized barbie doll.

This cultural archetype is created and sustained by promoting ever narrower cultural beauty ideals, and demanding women achieve them.  It is perpetuated upon women by bombarding them with media images of impossible, inhuman, retouched perfection that they can never achieve, and most effectively of all, by using society as a tool to heap ridicule, social ostracization, and humiliation on any woman who refuses to conform to the beauty norms.

I’ve written a previous blog post all about this, but the beauty, diet, and fashion industries, much as they pretend to be friends to women, are anything but.


So much so, the women they send down the catwalk are starved of all femaleness, to promote clothes made off the backs of Third World women paid a pittance for their hard labor.

Because of the humongous pressure to accept the doctrines of the beauty and fashion industries that have now seeped into society and are infecting cultural norms, women’s energy is being scattered, as they rush to escape the wrath of a society that judges them ever more harshly.

Even as direct violence against women grows somewhat less acceptable in Western culture, our society is becoming evermore superficial, and justifying its obsession with women’s bodies in the name of female empowerment.  Now women are encouraged to demand their own oppression, and are primed to do the work of the beauty and fashion industries for them, by claiming, yes, women can have it all, it is possible to look like a perfect Barbie doll and have a high powered job.

But by doing so women sell their personhood, ensuring they are chained to the mandate of staying young and wrinkle free forever, lest they be cast out of society. And unknowingly, they are brainwashed into enslaving other women too, women who can never live up to this impossible standard, or have no wish to.

Women together must unite and reject the impossible cultural demands that are placed on us to fit within the narrow beauty ideal.  We must too, support other women who are doing so and we must do it consistently, if we ever want personhood.

That’s just the start, there is much more to be done.

Letter to a sick, woman hating culture…

Once upon a time I wanted to be a hero.  I wanted to be brave, like the knights I read about in storybooks who I was told were brave because they were, well knights.

Because they were supposed to fight for what was good and fair, for what was right and just.

I didn’t understand that they were supposed to be male, or question why in those storybooks there were no female knights back then, because I didn’t understand the gender role I was supposed to play.

But the hardest lesson I had yet to learn was that those knights weren’t good at all, that what they symbolized was a system so oppressive that the potential of millions upon millions of bright, beautiful, brilliant, talented people has been squandered for centuries and centuries and centuries more.

The potential of people of colour, gay people, lesbian people, people who refused to conform to the limiting roles that had been placed on them, and of course the massive potential of the female sex.

All this potential squandered simply because it threatened the knights, the false kings, the gatekeepers of our culture.  Because they feared that if they let those people’s talents shine, if they just let them be, then they wouldn’t be heroes or kings themselves anymore at all.

When I was a little older even though I hadn’t realized all this yet, I started to become aware something felt wrong with the world.  I forgot somewhat about the knights because I found some new heroes.


I read about revolutionaries like Karl Marx, and Fidel Castro, I watched reruns of Dr Martin Luther King  speaking, I watched documentaries about Malcolm X and I was moved by the powerful dignity of his carriage, and even though I am a half Mediterranean white person I could somehow relate to the timeless truth of his words about the injustice of lies that attempt to deny people their dignity.

I was inspired, motivated by these people’s actions, by their courage, daring, or in some cases, sheer bravery, despite everything being in their path.  Learning about them made me feel that I too could be a hero, that I too could change the world.

Then the poison set in.

I started to become aware that I had a female body, and what that meant in this society.  I learned I was expected to be certain things, behave in a certain way, dress a certain way, want certain things.

I learned I couldn’t be a hero.

I didn’t like it.

I became frustrated, unhappy, conscious of my body, I dressed in baggy clothes, I had greasy hair, I ate bad food.

Only in books, in words, lost among the pages could I dare to dream of another life, a better life, a life where I could be free to be who I wanted to be, to be myself.

So I decided to look further still, dig deeper, find out what was causing the nagging sense of unfairness, the feeling of slanted inequality that was pricking at my conscience.

All around me I started to grow aware of my supposed place in the world, the role I was expected to play, the stereotypes that are mandatory for every person with a female body.



They didn’t look anything like how I had imagined my life to be, those stereotypes didn’t fit the opinionated, bookish, intelligent, undomesticated, selfish, brave, egotistical, untidy, greedy, sometimes over-confident person I was.

I wasn’t passive, meek, subordinate.  I didn’t like pop I liked hard rock.  I wasn’t interested in gossip I wanted to talk politics. I wasn’t interested in babies, I wanted to have adventures.  I wanted my words to have authority, I didn’t want to be sidelined.  I didn’t want to learn ballet though I loved watching it, I preferred holing myself up in my room and playing computer games.

I hated being patronized.

I wanted to create culture, not be created by it.  I wanted to write, I didn’t want to make dinner for anyone.  I didn’t want to be on a permanent diet, I didn’t understand why I was given a smaller dinner than my brother or told to eat salad.  I wanted to eat what I liked.  I was told I should watch my weight even though I was thin, even though I was already so underweight my hipbones used to stick out through my clothes.

I felt like I was cross dressing whenever I wore a dress, I preferred the casual ease of jeans and a t-shirt, or combat boots.  I hated my period because it reminded me I was becoming a “woman”.

Most of all I didn’t know why I was supposed to care what I looked like, why there was only one right way for me to look, when all around me I saw infinite varieties of men, being liked for who they were anyway.

The only thing that fit with my new supposed identity of “female” was the fact I hated sports.  And loved neon pink and unicorns.


As I grew more aware of the self I was told to be, I felt a mounting sense of frustration  .  It felt stifling, smothering, like the real me was drowning but I couldn’t articulate quite how.

If I couldn’t be a hero like Martin Luther King or Malcolm X or Karl Marx because I had a female body then how could I be a hero at all?  If I couldn’t be brave, and lazy, and untidy, and selfish, and loud, and opinionated, and bossy, how could I be me?

After some more exploration I found that there were people who had felt like me, exactly like me, who had raged at the injustice and unfairness of it all.  I found out about great activists like Angela Davis of the Black Power movement, who didn’t bow their heads, not ever, but walked into court with a raised fist when they were put on trial for false crimes. I found inspiring feminists like Germaine Greer and Andrea Dworkin, who spoke about the experience of living in a female body in this society in such immediate and raw terms that it made me feel every woman’s pain.


I found out about George Elliot, who managed to get published and become a respected author by men and women alike, in a century where women were not even allowed the vote, by taking a male name.

I learned about how she flouted convention, wrote books, discussed politics with men, wore pants, took lovers, lived as she pleased.

I knew people in that time wouldn’t have taken her seriously if they had thought she was a woman, so this made sense to me.  I didn’t think then about how much harder it would have been for George Elliot to get published if people had thought she was black because I was indoctrinated by white teachers, by white schooling to learn about white heroes, but I did see that she wouldn’t have been published if people had guessed her sex.

I didn’t really think about white privilege even though I already knew about the racism people of colour had suffered in Western Culture, because I was looking through the warped, surrealist lens of our tilted society, and because I was suffering myself, I hadn’t yet grown the empathy to even try and understand their experience, only mine.

I found out about Virginia Wolf, and Emmeline Pankhurst, about Shirley Chisholm, about Maya Angelou, and I was inspired.  They had female bodies and to me they were heroes.


I felt like I had purpose now, once again, that these people had done so much to change the world, that if we could just make it right, liberation would be just over the horizon.

I started to espouse feminist ideas and found they were quickly met with scorn from all but a few people.  I wondered why these great ideas, which felt so honest, so fair, and so right, and which I knew would deliver to me my complete liberation were constantly being suppressed, ridiculed,  stymied.

I didn’t know then that if you speak a simple truth that denies white men the privilege to be kings in our Western culture they have to kill you.  I didn’t know yet that in any patriarchy, anywhere, men of all colours will have to kill you if you are female because that is what patriarchy is.

I just felt frustrated.

Then I found sex.  I liked sex but I didn’t understand why I was supposed to pretend I didn’t.  I liked girls, I liked boys too but I was only supposed to like boys.

And I was told boys wouldn’t like me if I didn’t do this, think this, be this, act like this, look like this.

Luckily there was a guidebook for how to look, how to dress to win the prize of being liked by boys.  Being competitive I decided to follow it.  It involved daily rituals of plucking, shaving, waxing , tweezing, and counting calories, followed by layers of make-up, and uncomfortable clothes that made me feel self-conscious.

I thought the prize I had been promised would be a compensation of sorts because I liked sex and so did boys.

At that point I wasn’t looking for love.

So I compromised.  I played the stupid games, pretended I was a porn star in bed, didn’t ask for my own pleasure, and I was liked by boys.  After a while I discovered the prize wasn’t all that good, and that I was still bored.

I wanted to experiment.  I had a strange sort of romantic yet not romantic sexual relationship with my best friend, a girl, and found it was better than any relationship I ever had with a guy because I felt like she knew my soul.  I felt like she could see me, like with her, I could be me.

But culture being what it is, she too found boys again, and so we parted, drifting back, lost to the prize that was supposed to be the big compensation.

Sex and fun.  Or for others, love.

It was a distraction for a while, I even fell in love.  It felt good but it also felt painful.  It felt like it should be different but something was getting in the way.  I didn’t feel fully seen.

Nothing could quiet the clamour inside to be myself, to be free of all this, this drag, this role I was supposed to play.  My full potential I felt, was stifled by my biology and the cultural restrictions it brought with it.

I was not allowed to be a hero, only a bit part.  Having a big ego, I wasn’t happy with this.

The only white man I ever admired was Kurt Cobain, whose raw screechy voice articulated the anger I felt.  He seemed, to me, different somehow yet even he succumbed to the neurosis of addiction, tortured by the plague of our broken, sick society.  I loved too, his wife Courtney Love, how her lyrics reflected the ironic, sardonic, stifled bitterness of a class of people oppressed by a society that tried to mandate who they should be because of the biology of their own bodies.


When I found out why I was feeling this way, it felt like a relief.  I wasn’t unnatural, after all, I was transsexual.  That’s what the new information I discovered told me, that I had been born in the wrong body.

This made sense to me since nearly everything I was fit so completely what society was telling me was a male sense of self.  I “came out” and gave myself permission to do and be all I had wanted to do and be that society had told me I couldn’t if I was female.  I even told myself that I was born in the wrong body.

I felt something like freedom.

After a while though, I started to notice that since I wasn’t passing yet, I was still being treated as though I was female.  And that’s when I realized that even though, one day I might pass, what it took to be transsexual in this culture, for those of the female sex, was a denial of one’s biology, of part of one’s self.

No matter how free I felt, no matter how much permission society might give me if I was seen as male, I knew I would not be free until I could claim all of myself.

I was a biological female.  I did not want to be ashamed of that anymore.  Society told me I had a male identity and certainly in this culture, much of whom I am would be considered male.


But is it really?  In a culture where I could be anything I wanted, would I really be so unnatural?

There is nothing wrong with me.   There is nothing wrong with any of us.  There are no square pegs in round holes because the holes have been created by false gods.  False gods that wielded a chisel in my name, who carved out the identity I should have, just because of my biology, when I was not even asked what I wanted to be.

In this culture I have a male identity. But I have a female body.  In another culture, I would just be me.

I do not wish to harm anyone.  I am and I should be, as we all should be, providing we don’t harm others.   In a normal world, we would all be able to sit at a great round table, to respect each other as human beings.

But in patriarchal cultures, in Western Culture, these false gods, these pseudo Kings , in an effort to hobble others that might take their privilege away from them, others that might even outshine them, make them unable to self-actualize themselves through denigrating others, well in that culture, then they have to work hard to silence the truth.

They have to continually work hard to suppress the truth, they know is threatening to burst into voice, they have to work double time to limit, and to restrict, to torture and to humiliate.


Even then, they cannot ignore the truth.  They know they are not Kings at all.  They know the chains they attempt to bind us too are bound to them also.  They must drag the weight around, bear the burden of their own prison.

And they know, too, that they can do all this to us, the oppression, the slander, the centuries and centuries of lies, but they cannot kill the truth.  It simply, is.

Whether a whisper or a mighty roar, somehow, the truth, survives, in the consciousness of those who have humanity, still.

And eventually, when the roar grows to a level they cannot ignore, and the kingdom crumbles into dust, they will have to admit what they have always known, that you can torture, rape, sell, enslave, brutalize, beat, lie, and denigrate human beings, men, women, girls, and children but you cannot break and you can never own a human soul.

To the mighty Kings who sit upon a stolen throne. The roar is coming.  It may not be in my lifetime.  But it will come.

Radical Feminism is better for women AND trans people than LibFem and here’s why…


There is something I’ve noticed from observing and participating in many, many liberal feminist forums, online and offline discussion groups.  A hatred, distrust, and resentment of anyone with a female body, a refusal to admit that biological sex based discrimination exists.

Even though thousands of girl babies are aborted everyday based on their sex in China, even though child brides with female biology are forced into marriages with much older males, LibFem’s continue to mandate biological sex discrimination does not exist.

This is part of a deliberately misogynistic tactic that has infiltrated the LibFem movement by hijacking the word intersectionality.

It stems from a desire to control, humiliate, and squash any form of true agency or female bodied power.  If you are still skeptical that bio sex discrimination is “a thing”, I ask you to consider this.

What is the first insult people fling at an unpopular female in the public eye if people believe she has female biology?

The C word is the crudest way of acknowledging basic biology, it is not an abstract concept it is referencing but female genitalia.


And how much more public vitriol is directed at her, than would be had she been born into a male body?  Caitlyn Jenner was awarded the Glamour Woman Of The Year award and the complaints were largely limited to those on the right wing.  Women were not opposed to this largely, neither were men.

Would people across the board have complained more, and in particular natal born men,  if Chaz Bono, (a female born, female to male transsexual) had been awarded “Man Of The Year” for the GQ Awards?

I am not going to answer that question but leave you to think about the answer using not the LibFem mantra that discrimination is based on gender Id and not birth sex but on the basis of what you tangibly know and have experienced in the world.

radf dane se genero

Inequity for women is mandated by biological sex, in fact gender prejudice stems from this too.  Whether you believe gender is a construct or not you have to acknowledge that the reason people have so many issues with accepting trans women’s  identities is because there is a prescribed mandate in their heads for how a woman should look.

That is the strict gender construct society forces upon the sexes, which tells all people what they should be, how they should act, even how they should appear.

The reason trans women face this prejudice is because of their biology.

Biological sex discrimination is real.  To ignore this fact is to ignore prejudice.

Now, in Liberal Feminism it’s the current rhetoric that women need to work towards equality, but that is far from true.  You don’t have equality because the law says women can go to work, can study, and can sue for sexual harassment.  Equality (aka liberation) is only gained when most of society accepts the idea women’s lives matter. But women can not gain equality under patriarchy because they are always being measured by male defined standards.  You cannot work within a system where you haven’t set the rules, a system that hasn’t been built on what women want but what the male sex wants.

The female sex as a collective can demand liberation from patriarchy and thus gain status respect for themselves, we have the numbers.  But as a collective we are not always stepping up, because of fear of reprisal.  And so, we sleep on our feet, with many of us clamoring for our own chains, upholding misogyny,  resenting other women’s success, throwing other women under the bus to gain brownie points with males, and conforming to misogynistic expectations and ideals for fear of losing male approval.

The LibFem position will never deliver women liberation

Women to embrace the liberal feminist position in the hope for their own liberation.  But the liberal feminist position is doing nothing to challenge patriarchy as evidenced by it’s dogged refusal to acknowledge women can be discriminated upon based on their birth sex.

This is complete nonsense as it actually directly contradicts the liberal dogma, that trans women face more discrimination than natal born women.  I would argue otherwise, though that is not to say that trans women don’t face prejudice, however can we pause and think for a moment and examine why they might face prejudice.

What is being discriminated against?  Their biology.

Trans women too, are actually also discriminated on based on their birth sex, to pretend otherwise is madness.


Do Lib Fems really believe that all trans women are seen by everyone, everywhere as women?  Of course not, so thus they have to face a biologically based form of prejudice too, because society perceives them as men.


The liberals answer to this problem is to simply deny biological sex discrimination exists.

But if someone looks at me and sees what they perceive as female biology they will treat me accordingly.

And we treat women we perceive to have female biology with less respect than people we perceive as having male biology.

This is a fact that radical feminism acknowledges. Liberal feminism refuses to admit this truth and actively dis-empowers women from naming, shaming, and challenging the problem.

LibFems have hijacked Intersectionality. RadFems are Intersectional too…

Liberal feminism all too frequently works to silence women, under the guise of intersectionality.  This is actually another big distraction, as radical feminism is also intersectional, but in a different way.  We work on a basis that mandates for all of the female sex, as we understand the simple truth.

We believe, if you are perceived to have female biology you will be treated with less respect than someone who is perceived to have male biology.

Think about it.  Is that true according to your own personal experience?

Radical feminism recognizes women of colour have it harder than white women and in this respect is completely intersectional.

Radical Feminism’s core ethos acknowledges sex based discrimination is a problem

RadFem is not opposed to trans women’s existance, right to identify, or rights to public services, but those rights should not come at the cost of biological women’s spaces meant to provide shelter to those who are vulnerable to male bodied violence. It does not seek to harm trans women but it does seek to dismantle the limiting gender construct which mandates that if you have female biology you must behave, dress, act, think, talk in a certain way.

This actually benefits trans people as they can be whatever they want to be, without any gendered expectations dogging them from birth.  If they then decide to change their bodies, take hormones, call themselves whatever they want, that is up to them but to insist a gendered world is better than an un-gendered one is, in my point of view, harmful to trans people.

I should know, I am a female born person who takes male hormones, and sometimes goes by male pronouns in society.

I would love to live in a world where my natural self was not seen as unnatural because I don’t behave, act or dress the way my biological bits say I should.

No other progress groups are expected to campaign for other causes – why is RadFem?

RadFem does not have to mandate for trans women when our very aim is to challenge the discrimination meted out to natal born women based on their birth sex.

We would not expect the Gay Rights movement to mandate for heterosexuals, however that does not make it opposed to heterosexuals.

I can understand liberal feminists pain.  I understand it is all too tempting to believe that things are changing, that liberation is just over the horizon and can be achieved, simply by ramping up the number of female MP’s in Parliament.

I think women want to believe that gender identity dictates discrimination, irrespective of biological sex, because that means theoretically, we could all be discriminated against in a kind of perverse equality.

In this case they can imagine a world where they can “work towards equality”.

In a patriarchal society however, where men’s interests will always dominate, sadly that will not be the case.


We need to destroy the patriarchy not work within it.

In liberal feminist’s minds, those of the female sex get to believe that someone who has male biology could receive as much discrimination for the same reasons as they do, in the same way, simply for their gender identity as a woman.

They get to ignore the simple fact that they are hated for their biology, a scientific fact, that also marks them out in society as having female biology.

But by doing so, natal born women become complicit in their own silencing, and prevent other natal born women from naming what they know to be the source of their oppression.


Liberal feminist women turn a blind eye to the female sex’s current status in society in a misguided attempt to will equality into existence.  Perhaps they think by ignoring the situation, the inequities will go away?

They won’t.  Only by confronting the root cause of misogyny head on and together, will we defeat it.

The root cause is biological sex.


There are some valid issues that LibFem has raised, where  trans woman might have a similar experience of the exact same type of discrimination as a natal born woman.

If a trans woman is perceived by society to have female biology (passes) then she will be treated like any natal born woman, unless people know the circumstances of her birth, which is true.

But it is not true the majority of trans women pass and cannot be true by sheer dint of their biology.  Testosterone is a powerful hormone, which is why it’s much easier for female to male transsexual people to pass than it is for male to female transsexuals.

Neither is it true that trans women have been socialized as females based on their birth sex, with all the experience inequity that intends to bestow.

Yes they have grown up unhappy, dysphoric in many cases.  But that is not the same as being socialized as female.  To be truly progressive is to recognize that different people face different problems, not try to lump them all in together.

LibFem tries to do this but fails because the movement is largely BS.


Trans women are raped, drugged, beaten yes, and again this is where they have a similar experience to natal born women. But the overwhelming prejudice that trans women face is not because they are seen as natal born women but because they are not seen this way.

They are seen as gender non-conforming, and as this is despised by our society, they suffer.

Another reason to dismantle the gender construct, rip it up, and get rid of it

RadFem is the solution.  Why do you think people work so hard to silence us?

We are regularly called TERFs – Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists but we are not advocating hate, violence, or bigotry towards transgender people of any shade or stripe.

We are a movement whose core ethos challenges sex based discrimination and we do not have to work to advance other causes, including the transgender cause.  That does not mean we condone prejudice against those people..

We do not say the Black Lives matter movement should also campaign against capitalism, or include in their core mandate, the enfranchisement of gay people, Muslims, women, or transgender people.

Although in many cases, of course the Black Lives matter movement does support these people’s right to existence, rights, freedom, and liberty, it does not have to mandate for it,  since it’s core objective is to work to challenging race based discrimination against Black people.

Radical feminism is opposed to all forms of prejudice of course.  It supports the gay rights movement, the anti-fascist and anti-racist movement, as well as many other movements working towards social justice.  But it is a movement seeking to challenge sex based discrimination, an all too real issue for the female sex.  It is dangerous to attempt to pretend bio sex discrimination is not a reality.

Radical feminism also gets a lot of unfair criticism, nearly all of which is artful spin, lies and slander, by those who actually seek to promote male sex interests and hate the female sex.

For example, Liberal feminism frequently indulges in the sadistic humiliation rituals of silencing and criticizing white women on the basis of political correctness.  It’s main targets of ridicule are nearly always white women, not white men who are the actual culprits.

Misosgyny underpins the Liberal Feminist movement.

Men get to humiliate, silence and degrade women by telling them to get to the back of the queue.  But women of all colours, have always been at the back of the queue.  To be a woman is always to be considered less important.

Except in Radical Feminism.


Again, think about it.

Radical feminism is not white feminism as many with misogynistic or misguided agendas have suggested.  Radical Feminism understands all women, but it understands that particularly women of colour experience more challenges in our prejudiced society and we seek to change things for the better.

As it recognizes sex based discrimination is a reality, it can work to effect real change by  liberating women as a class of all colours from patriarchy.

The fact is whether the female sex wants to ignore it, or not, the painful truth must be acknowledged.

In a large part of society’s eyes, we are status zero.

This prejudice stems from a hatred of us as a sex class.  Yes there are other, horrific prejudices that exist in the world like racism and homophobia.  But until we build a movement united in one singular aim, to challenge a system that insists on relegating women to second class status, we will never change anything.

If you are happy with that situation, or disagree with that statement, carry on as you are.  If you are unhappy with it, and it resonates with you, there is something we can do about it.


We can really change things if the female sex as a whole are prepared to take action together, by supporting radical feminist causes, getting involved in radical feminist activism, and amplifying the message of what radical feminism is really about.

If you need proof of how much we can change things, look to our radical sisters of the seventies to see what can be achieved when we come together and work to achieve a common aim.

If you think our supposedly progressive society respects women more because more and more women are popping up in every profession, in every walk of life, think again.  In fact, it only furthers the resentment that lurks in the corners of the misogynists minds, it fuels them to make their insults more personal, more violent, more vicious.

This can be seen evidenced by the outpouring of body-shaming, revenge porn, and misogynistic outbursts women in the public eye are subjected to every day online, merely as a side effect of their visibility, a price that must be made for their success.

It’s not just online that misogyny thrives either, even though that’s where it’s at its most honest.  We might not say the vile bile found on Twitter in polite society but underneath the thin veneer of civility, misogyny runs deep, in both men and women.


Women are oppressed into upholding the current system that bestows the lowest status in society on each and every person born in to  female body.  Without women’s support and participation the structure would collapse, whether the men wanted it or not.

There are many reasons why women continue to uphold a system that does not ultimately benefit them, but one of the main reasons is, that from the cradle women are taught to hate other women, to fear them and see them as rivals.

It’s essential that this attitude is taught for the current system to thrive.  Were women to suddenly start supporting each other en masse, to form a sisterhood the way men have a brotherhood, it would be very dangerous to our current society indeed.

Imagine, if it were different.  If misogynistic utterings and limiting gender expectations were criticised and challenged by most women, everywhere, instead of the current situation, where very often they are initiated, or supported by women.

Wouldn’t this world be a better place, not only for women but for people who currently ID as Trans?  If you could be anything you wanted, no matter what your biology, wouldnt that be better than having to combat prejudice that is based on biology, whether you want to ignore the fact or not?

The future is rad, women.