Elect Gill Hart for Women’s Officer for Labour Lewisham Deptford

On Sunday 28th October, the constituents of Lewisham Labour Party will select a new candidate for the unpaid post of Women’s Officer.

Of the candidates standing for selection, two are notable, one for the controversy they have managed to stir up, the other for her years of dedicated service to the residents of Lewisham.

Retired teacher Gill Hart is one of the candidates in the running for the position of Labour Women’s Officer for Lewisham. Hart was one of the women who worked tirelessly to save New Cross Learning Centre from closure in 2011, after the local Labour council threatened to cut funding to the service.

She has been running this vital community resource as an unpaid volunteer ever since, dedicating her time and energy in to the local Lewisham community.

Feminism has been co-opted but it won’t last

The backlash against feminism has been going on for decades, and has reared its beastly head every time women have inched themselves forward in any way at all.

However, in recent years, the backlash, in quite possibly the sneakiest attempt yet to subvert the gains Second Wave feminists have fought for, has made the most devious bid yet to derail the feminist movement – trans activism and the co-option of feminism itself.

Now, its extremely common to hear calls within the mainstream feminist movement, to centre “trans women” aka biological males.

Feminism is currently in reverse

Not only that but trans activism itself, with its regressive embrace of gender stereotypes aka the old sex role stereotypes, has preposterously forced feminism to accept idiotic notions, such as the idea that girls wear pink and boys wear blue.

This is quite clearly a ridiculous position for the feminist movement to find itself in.

It is an obvious triumph for adversaries of the feminist movement left and right, as the repressive sex roles, rebranded now as gender roles, are the main reason for women’s subordination.

In fact, though the backlash against feminism presents itself as progressive, it’s becoming crystal clear that the ideology that underpins trans activism is regressive to the core.

A dangerously devious idea

The type of sexism that used to spew from the mouth of outraged right wing types is now common parlance among enthusiastic trans activists, who quickly rush to trans any person who dares to step out of their sex role.

It’s not uncommon to see statements such as “Tomboy is the grossest aesthetic. Tomboys should transition or step the fuck out”, on social media, or to hear a similar sentiment repeated within trans circles offline.

Because of regressive gender ideology, more and more gender nonconforming girls are bombarded with the message that if they are not feminine enough, they are not a woman.

It may seem like a lunatic idea to hypothesise that transgender ideology is actually feminist backlash coming from the right wing, but the evidence is too blatant to ignore.

From Pink New’s latest nifty little animated videos, pushing the idea that girls who prefer to wear “male” clothing and play rough and tumble are really boys, to Men’s Rights Activists who loudly proclaim that trans women like the fragrant Blair White are better than real women because they are more feminine, it’s glaringly obvious what the desire that drives trans activism is really all about.

Mainstream feminism now regularly compels biological women to admire how “feminine” trans women are, once again enforcing the idea that woman = feminine.

Once upon a time feminists were attempting to chip away at the sex roles that constrained us all in boxes, now mainstream feminists are running to demand the chains to their own enslavement.

As trans activism gathers pace, misogyny within the feminist movement rises, and biological women are prevented from naming, and therefore addressing the root cause of their oppression, their biology.

This of course is one of the core aims of the trans activist movement

It is the feminine ideal pushed on women because of their sex that holds born females back, not their gender identity.

Trans activism disagrees, even going so far as to postulate the ludicrous claim that trans women experience more misogyny than those born female.

Even when so-called trans women appear to all and sundry to be very obviously biologically male, it still pushes this utterly nonsensical hypothesis.

Women need a solution, they don’t have one – yet

Women, frustrated, angry, and lost for an answer, turn to the only solution currently presented to them, the mainstream, male co-opted feminist movement.

Confused yet desperately hoping to find an escape from their all-too-real pain, they eagerly imbibe the present so-called feminist ideology.

This involves of course embracing almost everything that has been proscribed for them by male wants, male needs, and male desires, its “liberation” through pornochic, stripper culture, and anything goes kink.

The zenith of achievement that males who have infiltrated the feminist movement have aimed for all along is finally upon us.

Behold the emperor in his brand new clothes

Now women are mandated to bow to male bodied people, males who have not even had transsexual surgery or even cross sex hormones.

Women are compelled to declare that these kinds of trans women are women, the exact same kind of women as they are themselves, in fact.

The demands don’t stop there, the trans activist’s quest to conquer is ceaseless.

Now women must state trans women are not only women but better women than they are, and also more oppressed.

This is not just regressive, its positively sadistic.

Society sees male biology and privileges it

Women are no longer able to talk about their own bodies without censorship, for fear of “triggering” biological males who claim womanhood, yet have never been anything but privileged in the eyes of the patriarchal status quo.

Cultural malcontent among women simmers, as our misogynistic culture heightens and continues enacting its sadism upon its longtime target – women.

Women are aware of this, painfully so, whether they are forced to see sexual predators continue to escape justice, or compelled to be ritually humiliated by the proliferation of “hate porn” that is men’s revenge against the gains women have made, off the back of the Second Wave movement.

In an attempt to redeem their dented egos, the sex role system now compels men to degrade women further, harder, more in order to actualise the male sense of self patriarchy tells men they should possess.

Man equals sadist under patriarchy

Our society whispers in men’s ears from the cradle, teaching them they need to dominate women in order to be men.

It conditions boys and men to destroy their humanity and become sadists through a daily diet of porn, misogynistic messaging, and social privilege, thereby ensuring empathy for women is deadened and the patriarchal system can thrust its way onward.

After all, in a hierachiearchal patriarchy, no-one likes to give up power, least of all men.

In our culture power is everything to men

This is why men have reacted with such vitriol to the feminist movement historically.

This has not mattered up until now, as the feminist movement has generally been quite determined to press on advocate for its members – women – regardless.

See the present problem?

The truth of the matter is, it is irrelevant to any actual feminist movement how angry men are.

Women are the largest body politic, they don’t require men to free themselves, they only require a way forward.

Men never have been, and never will be relevant to any real feminist movement, which is why the presence of them in this latest incarnation of “feminism” has rendered the movement so thoroughly ineffective.

Meanwhile, the old guard, on the right wing, who’d love to see women back in their proper place as wives and mothers, rub their hands in glee as actual feminists, of the radical kind, find themselves between a rock and a hard place.

In standing up to the trans activist movement feminists are forced to assert that biological difference is an actuality, but this is then warped and weaponized by the right, and held up as “evidence” of the anything but natural patriarchal order.

Biology is real but it doesn’t come with a dress code

Biology makes men have penises, and women vaginas. It allows women to gestate and men to impregnate. It is why women lactate and menstruate and it’s also what makes most men physically stronger than most women in terms of body structure, and muscle mass.

However, this is where it stops and ends.

Biology does not confer personality traits, particular kind of intelligence or abilities, careers, dress, or style preferences onto people.

Biology does not make people of either sex have a predisposition to math, or to doing the washing up.

Biology does not dictate ambition, competence, or ability.

This must be clearly asserted.

Radical feminists must stand firm and united in our quest to burn the gender caste system to the ground. The key to the ruination of the entire thing, is of course the destruction of the stifling, suffocating sex roles.

The answer won’t come from the left or the right

The right pretend to offer shelter from the trans activists, yet they would have us run to them conditionally, on the grounds we accept that men and women are born innately with fixed roles proscribed upon us.

This is precisely the same thing the trans activists are saying, albeit dressed up in the jazzy clothes.of Queer Politics.

As Andrea Dworkin put it in her aptly titled book, there is woman hatred on the left and on the right.

The answer lies not in the left nor the right, but in radical feminist theory itself, the challenge now being how to bring radical awareness to the larger body politic of women, in order to reclaim the feminist movement.

There is both good news and bad on the horizon.

Promised that the lie of equality had been achieved during the decades that followed the Second Wave, then offered feminism lite, women are beginning to get angry again, as they see the world is still orientated firmly around the default human – man.

The tentacles of the beast that is patriarchy spew out issue after issue for women to wade through, from sexual assault, to unequal pay. Yet women, presently are still attempting to cut off the beast’s writhing tentacles rather than driving a stake right through its heart.

Women of this decade are beginning to see through the illusion of equality they were told they had gained.

From porn culture and #metoo, to the glass ceiling, body shaming, trolling, and harassment, anger runs rife throughout the female populace.

It’s a tragedy the very movement they turn to for a solution offers them no real answer.

However there is hope.

Women’s anger is not about to disappear, but will only worsen, as our culture ramps up its woman hatred and the trans activist and men’s rights movement together finally steer mainstream feminism off a cliff.

At some point, women will have to wake up.

And they will be full of rage.

When they do, radical feminism will be right here to offer them a place for their anger, and a real, workable solution that delivers them liberation from patriarchy.

Then, and only then, the feminist movement can rebuild itself again, finally wrested from the hands of the oppressor.

The tragedy is, along the way, much female energy will be wasted on centering and pandering to male needs. Many women might even find themselves swallowed up in the horror that is gender ideology themselves, as girls and women flock to transition into men, so unbearable it is presently to be female.

Radical feminists must try to limit the damage, while at the same time bringing the true intent of the trans activist movement to the surface, where women can see it.

Trans activism is a men’s rights movement

As legendary feminist scholar Sheila Jeffreys so wisely said, transgender activism is a men’s rights movement.

Trans activism and men’s rights are both rooted in the same fetid, patriarchal soil, and as such, can never offer women anything but subservience to male desire.

The greatest triumph of patriarchy has been to subvert feminism itself, yet in doing this the patriarchy has forgotten one crucial thing.

Though it struggles to see women as human beings, the inescapable fact of women’s humanity is the very reason why patriarchy will find itself ultimately unsustainable.

A system which mandates enforced femininity and supplication of a human being is doomed to fail – eventually.

If patriarchy served women, it might well last forever, but quite quite patently, it does not.

And women are angry, angry at so many things, though they do not have an answer to their anger presently. Yet they will, as all oppressed people do, eventually seek one, a real one.

And as anger boils over into rage, at the realisation they have been duped into embracing enslavement all over again, the spark needed to break the bonds of patriarchy once and for all will unite the feminist movement.

When women rise, when their anger meets with the clear, resonating message of radical feminist wisdom, women as a class will make the final, crucial push forward.

Not this time merely into the workplace, or the halls of academia, but onto the final frontier itself, liberation and woman’s right to set her own standards, to be measured not by what men can do but by what women can achieve, in a world set up to sustain and nurture women’s bodies, minds, and souls.

UK politics fiddles while festering misogyny burns

Misogyny is as old as the hills but as many women in the UK are beginning to realise, in 2018, it’s taken a brand new form – trans activism.

The bullying, harassing, and attempted censorship of women who dare to criticise the oppressive system of gender, has been going on for well over a decade, with prominent feminist activists and scholars like Sheila Jeffries and Julie Bindel being no-platformed and publicly condemned.

Knowledge of the misogynistic activities of militant trans activists has been, for a good part of the past decade or so. largely confined to within radical feminist circles, however recently, the debate has started to hit the mainstream.

A number of events have propelled the mainstream media to finally sit up and start taking notice of feminist’s long held concerns about trans activism and the negative impact it will have on women’s rights and social standing.

Posie Parker, aka Mrs Kellie-Jay-Keen-Minshull, a married mother who has spoken out forcefully against the misogyny of trans activism, has been subjected to a sustained campaign of harassment, culminating in her home address and videos of her children being leaked on social media this week.

Keen-Minshull has been consistently, and falsely accused of transphobia, with the most recent accusation levelled against her coming because she erected a billboard outside the Labour Conference in Liverpool displaying the Oxford English Dictionary’s definition of the word woman, adult human female.

After trans activists spearheaded by a Dr. Adrian Harrop (who is not himself trans) pressured the company who displayed the billboard, Primesight, to withdraw the advert, they complied, caving in to the trans activists as so many other companies have already done.

The furore surrounding this incident made such a hullabaloo that Keen-Minshull was asked to appear on Sky News, and This Morning, discussing the matter.

Ocado, who waded in to the argument after subsequent pressure from trans activists, had to withdraw the foolhardy statement they had rushed out in support of Primesight’s action, after the story went viral on Mumsnet, and hundreds of women threatened a boycott of the shopping service, berating them for betraying women.

The blatant attempts to silence, no-platform, and harras anyone who does not totally comply with the trans activists ever-increasing list of demands has been steadily ramping up in pace, as has the level of bullying directed towards anyone who dares oppose them.

Last week also saw Angelos Sofocleous, a Philosophy student at the University of Durham sacked from his position as Editor of the Student Philosophy Journal, for daring to tweet the scientifically accurate statement “Women don’t have penises.”

Whatever your views on this, this view has been accepted as universal truth for centuries. Perhaps the biggest irony in this particular case is that one of the essential components of Philosophic practice is freedom to debate ideas.

The very same week, Father Ted creator Graham Linehan came.under fire from the trans activist crew, for daring to stand in solidarity with gender critical women who demand the right to single sex spaces.

Linehan’s wife was targeted and doxed by trans activists, with her business details shared via social media, while Linehan himself was labelled “transphobia”. Lineham is currently pursuing the matter with the police.

To add to all this, last Wednesday brought the spectacle of the show trial of long time activist Linda Bellos and former Labour Party member Venice Allan, accused of “threatening violence” by “trans woman” Giuliana Kendal, who brought a civil prosecution against the pair.

Both Bellos and Allan had to appear in the dock, at Westminster Crown Court, accused of ““threatening or abusive words or behaviour that is likely to cause “harassment, alarm or distress.”

Bellos’s crime was merely promising to defend herself by stating she would “take off her glasses and thump” violent trans activists who were threatening her. Allan meanwhile, live streamed the event where Bellos made the statement, and subsequently the pair ended up having to fight a civil prosecution after the Crown Prosecution Service laughed the case out of court.

With a few exceptions, such as Tory Mp David Davies, UK politicians within all the major parties stand by while the gaslighting and shaming of gender critical women continues, with no apparent regard for the safety or rights of girls and women residing in the UK.

Even the Girl Guides has capitulated to the trans cult. They recently shamefully announced their full-throated embrace of Self-Id, vowing to allow biological males in female spaces, then found themselves in a legal grey area, given that the Equality Act of 2010 still protects single sex spaces.

The debacle followed the sacking of Guiding leader Helen Watts, after she dared to criticise the organisations adoption of Self-Id, voicing concerns over safety.

The Guides are particularly worthy of mention, not least because of the suspect individuals they have employed to advise them on their trans “inclusive” policy in the past.

Individuals such as David Challenor, recently charged with the rape and torture of a 10 year old girl, who had previously claimed trans identity while dressing as an 8 year old girl.

The attack Challenor carried out included tying his 10 year old female victim to a beam in his attic, as well as whipping and administering electric shocks, raping her, and making indecent images of the assault. Other indecent images of children were also found after police searched Challenor’s home.

According to The Independent, Challenor “dressed up as a small girl in adult-sized baby dresses and nappies before carrying out the attacks at his home.”

Yet still the misogynistic machine that is the trans agenda rumbles on, claiming that feminists who cry “alarm” at the idea of letting males such as Challenor near children are “crazy transphobia bigots.”

Bigots eh?

“Bigots”, for being genuinely concerned over a recent spate of genuinely disturbing males claiming trans identity, such as Ian Huntley the child murderer, who now identifies as “Lian”, and rapist Stephen Wood, who renamed himself Karen White, and requested a transfer to all-female prison HMP New Hall, and went on to assault a string of female inmates.

Is this really bigotry?

Is this what we are to believe now in this brave, new Orwellian world, where right seems to be wrong and truth is rebranded as hate speech?

According to the trans agenda, yes it is.

The trans rights activists are hell bent on pressing full steam ahead, seemingly determined to dismantle all safeguards standing between women, children, and dangerously disturbed sexual predators.

And all our major political parties seem equally keen on jumping into bed with them, stroking their man sized egos as they merrily attempt to roll back the years of progress feminist campaigners have made.

Up until 26th of August, Aimee Challenor, born male and the son of the aforementioned David Challenor, was campaigning for the position of Deputy Leader of the Green Party.

The Green’s were apparently quite fine and dandy with this, despite the fact Aimee had named his father David, as his campaign manager,

The Green’s were apparently quite fine and dandy with this, despite the fact Aimee had named his father David, as his campaign manager, after knowing he had already been accused of child abuse.
This from the same party that instantly suspended Party member Olivia Palmer for correctly identifying a man as a man on the TV show Genderquake.

The Tories, who introduced the asinine idea of Self-Id in the first place, choose to play devil’s advocate, inviting the general public to take part in a “fair and balanced” consultation, which starts out with Minister for Equalities Penny Mordaunt making the statement “trans women are women”.

Meanwhile, as the government pretend to be open to all opinions, they are still allowing pro-Self-Id organisations like Stonewall and child-medical transition advocates Mermaids, to whisper in their ear. Both Stonewall and Mermaids have advised them on best practise when it comes to educational information on gender given to children in school.

Will the May Government, which is spearheaded by a woman, yet still seems utterly determined to pander to patriarchy and its abusive demands, really let women’s voices be heard?

Labour, meanwhile, in perhaps the most shockingly hypocritical betrayal of its entire raison d’etre, equality for all, has turned its collective back on women’s right to define themselves and safeguard their rights.

At the recent Labour Party conference held in Liverpool last week, Corbynite and Shadow Cabinet member Emily Thornberry firmly drew her (and apparently Corbyn’s) line in the sand on the whole Self-Id issue.

Thornberry claimed concerns over Self-Id were unfounded, stating that “Labour should be “a little bit more relaxed” about trans women on all-women shortlists.”

She also went on to claim that “the feminist movement is big enough and big-hearted enough that if someone believes that they have been born as a man but they are a woman, we have space.”

Really Emily? Feminism is big enough and big hearted enough to allow women, children to be assaulted and raped?

To allow women to be relentlessly harassed, persecuted, doxed, and prosecuted, merely for stating sex discrimination is a reality and the root cause of women’s oppression?

We have space for that?

Ya think?

This remains resolutely the Labour Party’s line despite the many women who have complained from within Labour about their opposition to Self-Id, and despite mountains of evidence presented to top ranking Corbybnites, including Corbyn himself, about the drawbacks of Self-Id.

The Liberal Democrats offer no alternative at all. A decidedly dodgy bunch of pro sex-work, pro Self-Id, Paeodphile apologists, with a track record of fielding former Paedo councillors like child abusers Richard Roberts, and Robert Somper, it comes as not much surprise that they are firmly.on board with the shitshow that is Self-Id.

All this of course means that gender critical feminists, women, and the portion of the UK public who are deeply concerned about Self-Id, are decidedly politically homeless if they oppose its implementation.

And it’s a crucially important issue to oppose, given what’s at stake. Everything from our freedom to debate, free speech, the right to hold a different opinion, and women and girl’s inalienable right safety is up for demolition should the trans agenda have its sinister way.

Of course, as ever, it’s women and girls who stand to lose the most, which is perhaps why the issue of Self-Id has up till now coasted comfortably under the radar.

There is still one faint sliver of hope.

With the events of this week and all the weeks preceding, the public’s attention is slowly being brought to rest upon the crucial issue of Self-Id.

The only question is, will it be too little too late?

The consultation is still open, so officially we can all have our say, but how many members of the public will really take the time to fill in the Tories long and laborious online consultation?

We should. We all should.

The future of our whole society is at stake.

And if the Tories decide to ignore the many voices opposed to Self-Id and press ahead anyway?

Then we are all going to have to decide, as a nation, whether or not we the people should oppose them.

Are we really going to allow a society that allows any man to access women’s spaces, shelters and shortlists, anytime they want to, if only they say they are a woman?

I hope not.

We are really going to have to decide whether we will get our boots on the street or not, whether we will all of us, stand with the brave women and feminists protesting against this madness.

Will we?

Will we stand with women?

A political alternative to this Orwellian madness is desperately needed for women, for girls, for everyone.

The only question is, where the bloody hell is it?

If you haven’t done so yet, please fill in the Government’s consultation on the proposed reforms to the Gender Recognition Act.

It’s long and boring but it’s a vital task, if women’s hard won rights are to remain intact.

You can find the consultation here at; https://consult.education.gov.uk/government-equalities-office/reform-of-the-gender-recognition-act/ but before you do, I highly recommend visiting the consultation walkthrough here: https://fairplayforwomen.com/how-to/ hosted on the excellent Fair Play For Women website. Here you will find comprehensive guidance to help you answer every question on the consultation, making the whole process much less painful and laborious. And afterwards pour yourself a stiff drink, because if the trans activists get their way, we’re all going to need one.

Here you will find comprehensive guidance to help you answer every question on the consultation, making the whole process much less painful and laborious. And afterwards pour yourself a stiff drink, because if the trans activists get their way, we’re all going to need one.

How we might bring a radical feminist world into being

Society’s current hatred of women has been taught and it can be untaught. There are many ways women can resist, from making our voices heard by standing against Self ID and harmful trans ideology, to rejecting gender stereotypes and the beauty ideal, the war against women can be fought even within society that is still a patriarchy.

But women’s true liberation will never be gained under patriarchy.

To get it we have to overthrow the system of control that is exercised through male dominance. Male control of our legal system, medical system, political system, education system, and monetary system all must be infiltrated and the unequal balance of power redressed to even ensure women get a seat at the table.

Even this will not be enough, as the system itself, Capitalism, and the exploitative way we pollute the enviroment, harm the earth, and do business, politics, and trade, all need to end, as they are harmful to women.

There are many battles that must be fought and won, if we want to see total liberation for women, utterly everywhere. This includes a total overthrow of the capitalist system, and a reversal of the privilege system that favours men over women.

Matriarchal cultures exist and have existed. They are not society’s run by “evil man hating demons from hell” they are successful, indigeneous, largely peaceful societies that flourish because they favour women over men, which has been proven to manage men’s worst traits.

If favouring one group over another sounds shocking to you, I hope you’re more than shocked by your current existence, and the historical precedent patriarchy has set of heavily favouring men over women.

Men have been favoured over women for centuries in our current Western society, a patriarchy, yet the current status quo is perpetually touted, particularly by men, as the only right way.


Except it’s not the right way, at least not for women.

Women everywhere are subjected to a catalogue of horrors; murder, rape, sexual slavery, harassment, misogyny, revenge porn, discrimination in the workplace, unpaid domestic servitude, body shaming, and objectification. Not to mention silencing and ridicule if we attempt to speak out about any of it.

Until the capitalist patriarchy is done with, women’s slavery will remain a certainty because the current capitalist system, only serves to prop up the status quo. That includes the interest of men, and since men still hold the reigns in many areas of society, you’re swimming against the tide if you try to play the capitalist game by their rules.

If women were in charge of a capitalist society, the system would be different, though still wrong, capitalism is never fair. It doesn’t to my mind make sense, to fight for an unfair system, a system that pollutes the environment, exploits the earth’s resources and consistently works to undermine the agency of the poor, simply because it turns a profit.

To my mind capitalism, a top down hierarchical system, which demands there must always be losers in order for there to be winners is directly in opposition to all movements demanding freedom, liberation, and justice.

As Germaine Greer said “fuck equality,” women should stop struggling for it right now. There is nothing wrong with equaliy in principle, the problem is, in this patriarchal culture, equality means being equal to a standard men get to decide. The standards by which we currently measure equality will never deliver women liberation, because men will always use an essentially patriarchal system to vault over women. All while claiming we all began the race from the same starting blocks, because, equality.

Yeah, but if society puts obstacle after obstacle in women’s path, and not men’s, if society continues to favour men, have more sympathy for men etc…who’s going to win that race?

Hint, it’s not women.

Capitalism and patriarchy have to go. Until they do women will not be free.

But how do they go?

Well first we must define the type of action we need to take.

We need to get radical.

Nothing short of a female, collective, total commitment to a program of radical action will achieve this.

We need to overthrow the status quo, and to do that we need to build our community, of radical women. We need to gather resources, network, and gather friends and allies who can helps us. We need to trade our skills, pool our resources and talents, and provide for women.

In short we must begin building a world for women, where women can be free.

We must be busy worker bees and be the first ones to plant the seed. Later the seeds will germinate, the plant will flower, and other bees will flock to the nectar that is a woman centered world.

We must also take a hard line no compromise position that does not budge one inch if we are to achieve the goal of our liberation. There are clear ways in which this could manifest, as well as definite actions which can be taken to build community, defend women, and move women closer to the goal of complete parity.

Only radical action produces radical results and in our current woman-hating culture, what could be more radical to society than the idea of viewing women as full human beings in every respect both socially and under law.

Of course, to achieve a total societal revolution like this in our current society, we’re going to need numbers. We must gather and unite and once we do we must ensure we have solidarity and general agreement on our common goals.

We must work together, cohesively to plan strategic steps that will move us forward to our final goal – total liberation from male control. We must implement each of these steps, collectively organising and sharing the labour necessary to reach that goal.

We need to put aside our differences, this fight is too important, and it will not wait. Now is the time for action, not words, and I’m all too aware of this, even as I sit here typing this blog post.

My previous post suggested some things we could do to begin making the change we want to see in the world, though it was meant as a mere jumping off post, not a comprehensive guide.

We need to get out in the real world and connect with each other, online activism alone isn’t enough.

We can volunteer at our local women’s refuge, connect with our FB radfems friends, meet with our MPs to lobby on behalf of women, and organise meetings where we can strategize and consciousness raise. We can leaflet in the community, talk to people to try and raise awareness of key issues, like the dangers to women of Self ID, and attend radfems book readings, feminist talks, and conferences where we can meet each other face to face.

Let’s make it our mission to build those real world connections and do some offline activism.

We all spend far too much time online these days, which contributes to our political passivity and our inability to take decisive change making action.

That’s exactly how those with the power want us to remain, scattered, apathetic and weak.

Don’t let them win sisters. Together, we are powerful.

How YOU can help radical feminism spread…

Radical feminism is beginning to flourish again…and whether you haven’t joined us yet, or you’re already fully paid up radfem, here’s a few suggestions as to how you can contribute and help our movement grow…(as well as some pitfalls to watch out for)

Something rather interesting is happening in radfem land, with the movement currently enjoying an influx of new enthusiasts, many of these women who have become disillusioned with the misogyny that has infected liberal feminism. There is a renewed flourishing of radical feminist activity, activism, strategizing, community organizing, and theory. Groups like A Woman’s Place, and #ManFriday are emerging, who run campaigns, stage protests, and host speaking events to raise awareness about the thorny issue of Self ID and expose the regressive gender stereotypes that bolster trans ideology.

Excitingly, several local grassroots radical feminist chapters like Cheltenham RadFems are also now popping up throughout the UK, as well as further afield.

One major reason for this is that the liberal feminist position has failed women, having been thoroughly co-opted by misogynistic males. Women who believe in their right to personhood, in fighting for what is right, must fight from a radical feminist perspective or see our cause flounder, see our rights and the rights of other women infringed.

With the spread of trans rights activism, women’s rights are getting quashed rapidly, including the right to define our own bodies and name the root cause of our oppression – biology.

Trans rights activism replete with misogyny, could not have been so embraced with so much enthusiasm had there not been a growing undercurrent of misogyny present in society, a simmering resentment at the progress women have made so far.

The lie of equality has been fully exposed. Women under patriarchy have never had equality, equal respect, nor equal personhood.

By trying to achieve equality by male defined standards, in a world created by men, we sell ourselves short. We need to demand nothing short of liberation.

The upside is that for the first time in my lifetime I see a renaissance and renewed enthusiam for radical feminist activism. New groups and organisations are springing up every month, as women everywhere begin to rediscover their revolutionary power.

Together we must unite, raising consciousness in our sisters wherever we can. We must work together to form a resistance movement that is so cohesively united in one aim, the cause of justice for all women, everywhere.

Too long we have been co-opted into compromise. Misguidedly, albeit with the best of intentions, some of us have taken the middle road, diluted our revolutionary power and adopted the liberal position.

As Queer politics have begun to dominate cultural discourse, the radical feminist gains our Second Wave sisters made for women have been halted in their tracks.

The backlash, a result of stinging resentment and fury at women’s progress, is nothing new.

Hatred for women has never gone away, not since patriarchy begun.

We are the ones who are schooled to be nice, accepting, we are the ones who are always expected to give up our space, our identities, our bodies. We are punished when we demand things for our own, when we demand the right to say no.

But we must say no to gender ideology, if we want to dismantle patriarchy and achieve true, full liberation, in a world free of regressive stereotypes.

We can’t play nice anymore.

We have tried to convince those with hate in their hearts to join us in the call for justice.

We have tried to reason with them, appease them, in some cases we have ceded ground, allowing natal males into women’s spaces, women’s places, we have called them by “preferred pronouns”, we have even called them women.

We did this never expecting they would not stop until we were completely colonised and under their control.

Quite clearly, all this compromise does not work.

Now we are being told men define what a woman is, men define what a lesbian is, and if we don’t cooperate we deserve to be beaten.

These threats of violence frequently lead to real life incidents of brutality, lesbians being beaten by those radicalised by queer theory in gay bars, women silenced online and in Universities, women attacked at meetings and demonstrations, for the simple act of organising to combat sex based oppression.

Persuasive argument may work to raise consciousness in some people, but for others, it will never work, ever.

Those people do not feel our injustice, many times, they do not even care it exists.

They are misogynists, with a deep hatred of women that need cling to an unjust gender caste system that labels them superior.

The road forward is clear. Global organised, strategized, radical feminist resistance to oppression and intolerance of misogyny, all the time, everywhere.

All who care deeply for women and humanity, as well as all women who whose hearts are heavy with sickness at the brutality and injustice of this patriarchal world should stand with us, in support of born women and girls.

If you are a woman, you do not benefit from the current status quo, which far too often let’s misogyny both covert and overt go unchecked.

If you are a woman, and you are not yet standing with radical feminists who fight for you, for all women, then unless you agree in sanctioning your own suppression, along with that of other born women, you must wake up.

All of us who are born women, are not currently being treated with equal fairness, all of us who are not receiving equal respect; Black, Hispanic, White, Native American, Asian, lesbian, disabled, and more, all of us born female must get over our petty differences and unify.

We need to unite as one solid movement with a lioness roar so loud it can never be silenced.

We must intervene to stop harmful gender ideology taking root and becoming the new norm, before irreparable damage is done, to society, to humanity, to women’s rights, to children.

Unify against the root problem – misogyny

We must now abandon the current Left, it has now been destroyed by the misogyny our leaders choose to ignore, and worse, often enable themselves. The right has never been the answer, it is no friend to women and never has been.

We are on our own. But sisterhood is powerful.

We need to reclaim the Left. We will reclaim it. But first, we need to reclaim feminism itself.

The most effective weapon of suppression is to divide and conquer. It’s happened to feminism, with the libfem/ radfem divide, which has worked to split women in the Left.

Within the Left, for years, as women we have been relatively ignored. Now we find the situation worsening, with leaders such as Corbyn turning a blind eye, while we go round in circles, chasing compromise while getting caught up in petty identity politics, and inter-movement strife.

Meanwhile, the other side, the status quo the Left should be fighting against, sits enshrined on a centuries old throne of assumed superiority.

This stolen throne has used the suppression and silencing of many, many millions of women to ensure its survival.

We need to topple that throne once and for all, we need to pull it down and burn it to the ground. Then we need to send a clear message to all those who worship the privilege it represents that we will never allow it to exist again.

A simple plan for a better world – for women, for girls – everywhere

Until now, we who came after the Second Wave, though many of us have always desperately wanted justice and equality for all women, we have not always had a clear enough vision of how we can continue the fight our Second Wave foremothers and their Suffragette grandmothers began.

Many of us were confused, unsure whether women, at least in the West, were making progress or not.

It is now clear we are not. If anything, rigid gender stereotypes that ensure males remain the superior caste, are becoming ever more firmly enshrined, with the rise of trans activism.

But now we are getting organised again. This is good, as our previous lack of focus weakened our effectiveness to dismantle patriarchy.

The misogynists are laughing at us today, but they will not be laughing forever. We will not let the work our Second Wave sisters did for us, for justice, for fairness for women be squandered, we cannot let the massive sacrifice the suffragettes made to raise the status of women be for nothing.

We need to come together, as women, and universally agree on direct action to dismantle the patriarchal systems of control.

Then, building on radical feminist theory our foremothers bequeathed us, we need to collectively agree on what comes after.

Any truly effective plan for change should consider the following

We need to put our combined resources; financial, creative, medical, legal, creative technological, all our skills, into fighting for the cause of justice for women. Whatever we can contribute, our words, our financial help, our ability to build, craft, create, and of course the most important resource of all, our physical presence, must be lent to the radical feminist resistance movement whenever we can.

This is necessary to truly effect change for women, as every movement requires resources, smart strategy, and of course, direct action.

A totally not comprehensive list of resources we might consider gathering and actions we might consider taking:

Spaces for women

– In an age where born women’s space is increasingly being impinged on, we need to start fighting back and reclaiming our right to organise, in spaces free from male bodies.

We need to source suitable, safe locations to meet in, including spaces for shelters and women only refuges. We should start fundraisers to collectively contribute towards the rental or leasing fees for these spaces, as well as collectively raise finances to buy land and property, so as to allocate space for women and girls. The excellent We Want The Land Coalition did exactly this, purchasing land for women and girls, to use, to host radical feminist, and born women only events.

We could look to finding other, more inventive ways to build or create new spaces for women, this could include purchasing houseboats to gather, or constructing eco or temporary housing on land we have purchased or lease from scratch.

And of course, we should support existing spaces that provide safe harbour for born women, with our donations, by volunteering our time, and also by our physical presence, attending the events and gatherings they host.

When these places are protested by trans activists, we need to show our support, in whatever way is most needed, so that they can continue to remain free of biological males.

Medical support network

We should begin to establish a network of radical feminist doctors, medics, gynaecologists who we can turn to when we need medical advice and the medical establishment has failed us.

Perhaps we could establish a pro bono type service where radical feminists who are also qualified medics, gyno’s etc.. could donate some of their expertise to women in need? This would be particularly useful in case of any law change, as although, at the moment sex remains a protected characteristic in the UK at least, it may not always be the case.

Certainly, this type of resource bank of radical feminist medical experts would benefit radical feminists living in countries such as Canada right now.

This would be particularly useful resource for occasions like when born women are denied a smear test or other intimate exam, because they refused to accept an examination by a Self ID’ing trans “woman” for example.

Legal support network –

Equally, we could begin to build a network of radical feminist lawyers, legal advisors, consultants etc…that we can turn to look over legal documents to check for loopholes that may negatively impact women, as well as laws we can use to our advantage, to advance the cause of women. We can also draw on these experts to help us challenge misogynistic laws and policy proposals that will negatively impact on women.

As well, these legal brains could help us build cases that would help challenge long-held patriarchal institutions, such as pornographers and the sex trade in general, perhaps something along the lines of constructing a class action suit claiming a human rights violation of the dignity of women and girls.

We should also all try to become more familiar with the laws of our country and others, particularly all those that effect girls and women, and learn how to use the legal system to our advantage.

Obviously, those radfems among us who already understand the legal system can help us massively on this, if they have the time to donate to our cause, and I know many are doing exactly this, as I write this.

Political support network-

As well as building a medical and legal network, we should also start compiling a list or database of MP’s who are sympathetic to radical feminist positions. Everything from Self ID to abortion, and pornography, as this will be an excellent resource from which to draw from, when we want to challenge laws, and raise awareness in Parliament.

It also goes without saying that by now all of us should have written into our local MP to voice our objections to the Government’s Self ID proposals, and also, to ask her/ him to raise the matter in Parliament and call for an impact assessment on women and girls.

But we can also contact our local MPs on other matters, asking them to raise parliamentary questions regarding strip clubs, the sex trade, pornography, domestic violence, rape, workplace harassment, equal pay, and maternity provision.

And of course, we can contact our local councils, to ensure rape shelters, women’s only swimming clubs, and other women’s spaces in our community, stay free of biological male people.

We should also attend local political party meetings and challenge the leaders and speakers there, raising questions and issues that pertain to women’s rights, freedoms, or protections.

Some of us, who are more politically inclined could also consider running for a candidacy in one of the political parties you feel most strongly affiliated with, or as an independent candidate in your local area, as it would be great to have more radical feminist orientated political figures, who can advocate on behalf of women.

Physical self-defence

If possible, we should all learn the basic skills necessary to defend ourselves if, and only if, a violent situation occurs that would threaten us or any other women. We cannot allow ourselves to stand by passively for instance where women are being threatened with violence, and women are being beaten, this is not the same as sanctioning indiscriminate acts of unjustified violence.

Those already in possession of self-defence skills could perhaps volunteer a few hours of time in their locality to teach other radfems, and perhaps also women from the community, these essential skills.

This is vital, especially considering trans activist’s violence is spiralling, coupled with the fact that nearly every event we organise is protested and picketed by TRAs, with threats of violence frequently being issued to us.

Organizing and carrying out Direct Action

We cannot be idle in this fight, and we cannot let our fears of violence and retribution get the better of us (I myself am so terribly guilty of this but have decided to make the effort to overcome this particular trepidation of mine recently after being convinced of the need to act as harmful trans ideology begins to spiral out of control).

We must be prepared to put our lives on the line to stand up for what’s right if need be (unlikely in a Western country these days but hey, you never know). It is not about openly defying the police for the sake of it, the law should be respected providing it upholds justice and equality. However, when it does not, it is our most basic duty as human beings to oppose it.

For those who might disagree with this idea, imagine this hypothetical scenario. A head of state passes a racist law that gives the police powers to arrest people of colour indiscriminately and detain them, all under the guise they might be suspected terrorists or enemies of the state.

In this situation, as believers in justice, should we stand by and passively allow law enforcement to carry out the orders of this head of state? Should we also stand by and watch if the police brutalize innocents on the orders of a fascist? History has shown us all too terrifyingly what can happen if we take that road.

The only sane and logical answer is no, of course we should not. That is why we cannot be afraid to resist oppression with every means we have, while also taking care not to incite violence against those who are doing no harm to us.

Direct action can come in many forms, including sticker campaigns to raise awareness of feminist issues, like the ones the brilliant Untameable Shrews carry out in their local communities, to protesting strip clubs, to buying hard copy radical feminist books and donating them to our local library, or contacting schools and asking them to distribute educational materials that challenge harmful gender ideology, as the excellent Transgender Trend are doing.

We can print out flyers, such as the informative SAGES factsheets on gender ideology and distribute them in our local communities.

We can start local radfem chapters in our communities, leasing space to meet weekly or monthly, in order to organise, strategize, and plan direct action that we can then take in our localities to raise radical feminist consciousness in women who have not yet joined us.

To further our outreach, and encourage other women to come to consciousness, we can organise radical feminist festivals, and other events, such as jumble sales, craft fairs, Q+ A’s on gender, self-defence workshops, swap shops, and feminist social outings like group swimming sessions, and advertise these in our local communities (like on supermarket message boards and in community centres and libraries, as well as online.

At these events we can gently raise awareness by handing out literature, giving talks, having conversations, or by having our posters and other political artwork prominently on display.

We can also volunteer some of our time where possible, to help radical feminist organisations and causes, like Justice For Women, the feminist campaigning organisation co-founded by Julie Bindel, that helps advocate for incarcerated women who have killed their violent abusive partners.

And we can volunteer our time to local women’s refuges, as well as starting crowdfunders on sites like www.crowfunder.co.uk and offline fundraising events to raise money for causes that directly benefit women and girls.

Technology, media, and communication –

We are the Facebook generation. Nearly all of us are connected to the web in some way, using Twitter, Facebook, and various other platforms to exchange messages, news, and ideas. We can harness this global connectivity to our advantage to mobilize and evoke positive change, as has been demonstrated effectively before in the “Facebook Uprising” that occurred in 2011 in Tunisia.

A few examples; we can use our connectivity to post details of organised meetings and protests, to talk and share ideas, hash out feminist theory, and to provide support to each other.

We can use it to start radical feminist online magazines, shops that sell radfem inspired crafts and jewellery, radfem owned businesses, and radical feminist online resource centres like RadFem Central.

We can also use it to present a loud, public resistance that actively and consistently promotes our opposition to oppression, and we can and should attempt to connect with the wider caucus of women who have not yet awakened to radical feminism.

We can use our technology to make our voices heard to the people that matter. We can contact our MP’s, complain to schools, Universities, shops that stock pornography, allow misogynistic merchandise such as the infamous “Fuck TERFS” t-shirts to be sold on their platform, or have implemented dangerous Self ID policies in changing rooms, putting women and girls at risk from male violence and male predatory behaviour.

We can contact businesses that implement unfair or harmful policy to women, and to places of learning that employ misogynistic professors and lecturers, as well as to workplaces that foster misogynistic staff, or condone a sexually intimidating environment that is hostile to women.

We can write or call in to support our sisters who have been banned or no-platformed from feminist events, left wing spaces, Universities, or political parties.

We can support and start campaigns and petitions to raise awareness of radical feminist causes, we can blog and spread the word, we can write our own books on radical feminism, and when misogynistic abuses occur, if they are newsworthy, we can also contact journalists who might be sympathetic to our cause.

We can start radical feminist e-newsletters and e-zines, and maybe even some old school style print ‘zines and newsletters too, because, well, they’re totally rad .

We can start feminist websites, and also Radfem news sites like the awesome Feminist Current.

Of course, as misogyny rises, due to vocally aggressive trans activism, radical feminist voices are being censored more and more on platforms such as FB and Twitter.

As well as maintaining our social media platforms on these spaces for as long as we can, we should also begin to organize on alternative platforms, such as Me We, where radical feminists are still free to collectively organize.

Some possible problems and pitfalls within our movement that we need to watch out for

Inter-movement divisiveness

This is dangerous because not only does back-biting and sniping give outsiders the chance to criticize our movement but it is ultimately unproductive to entertain such horizontal hostility when we would be much better served unifying to combat the harms of patriarchy.

We are never, ever going to agree on everything, but all of us should be able to collectively organize around the most basic radical feminist principles.

Principles like the fact that gender is a harmful social construct and a caste system that puts women in an servant class, the fact that the sex trade is an abusive industry that harms vulnerable women and children, and objectifies and degrades all women, and the fact pornography is exploitative, harms intimacy, and also has a negative social impact on the way all women are viewed.

Fighting among ourselves, or micro-managing other women’s language who basically agree with radical feminist principles anyway, and critiquing their social media posts etc.., is not helpful to us, and is in fact outright damaging.

And of course, as a movement that believes fundamentally in the importance of taking action, rather than arguing among ourselves, we should be looking for practical actionable steps and action we can take that will help to dismantle patriarchy.

Hidden Agendas

Within protest groups such as Occupy there have been those that have attached themselves to the cause with one eye on causing trouble for troubles sake or with other negative intentions. We cannot let this happen and must constantly be alert for narcissists looking to grab the mike, and also those looking to smear our movement for their own personal gain or vested interests.

Allowing the politics of the current system to replay over again within our movement

We’ve seen this happen within the feminist cause in the past, where, as white women, we have sometimes failed to give Black, Asian, or Indigenous women an equal voice, upholding the values of white supremacy.

We cannot do this going forward, and I am heartened to say, in most radical feminist circles I mix in, I genuinely do not feel this is case. Then again, as a white woman, I would welcome feedback from women of colour as to whether they feel we are giving them enough space, enough voice.

It also goes without saying, and I am sure most radical feminists already practise this, but there should be no leaders/ dictators within our movement.

Allowing men (of any kind) to co-opt feminism

I do believe men can be our allies in some cases, like the wonderful Derrick Jensen of Deep Green Resistance, who is doing some fantastic work to raise radical feminist consciousness in men as to the harms and brutality of patriarchy.

I believe that men can be allies (sometimes) because as a socialist I know a sense of justice is something every right thinking human being can possess, regardless what sex they are.

However, even the most well-meaning man will have been unconsciously conditioned from the cradle to believe he is superior to those of the female sex. He will have been conditioned to feel entitled to women’s bodies, to view himself as more logical, cleverer, better etc…

It’s not that men can’t undo this conditioning, they can, of course, but most don’t, even when they say they empathise. We should be on guard for this.

And of course, in case anyone is in any doubt, no, men cannot actually be a part of our movement, since radical feminism is for born women, and for born women only.

We must organise for ourselves if we are to combat our sex based oppression effectively.

Lack of direction

We need a clear end goal.

We need to a general consensus to decide what kind of system we want to replace the old patriarchal one with.

Do we want one that looks like our current system that runs along the same lines economically, albeit with improved regulations, checks and balances to ensure big business cannot hold sway over the interests of the average citizen?

Or do we feel that there is a need for greater change, where perhaps we need to completely overhaul the current system entirely, where we need to take down the financial institutions and start over again.

In this case we might envision a world like the one Deep Green Resistance envision, a closer to the indigenous matrilineal cultures that still remain in pockets of the globe, free of industrial civilization, where capitalism and aggressive eco-destruction cannot thrive?

One thing is for sure, we need to build a world where women of colour are more equally represented.

In this brave new world, we need to do make sure that women of colour and disabled women are as much the primary decision makers as white women, so that the same old privileges and entitlements do not start to re-enact themselves over again.

One thing is for sure, once we have overthrown the old, whatever we decide to replace the new must be truly democratic. We must fix a broken electoral system, such as the one in the US that allowed a candidate with the most votes to be denied the top job.


We are all armchair critics now, re-tweeting the latest outrage but far too often failing to actively try and cause positive change.

We must change that now, because the alternative, passivity and inaction will cause consequences far too severe to womankind.

We must let no act of misogyny go unchallenged, no act of woman hatred go by without being called to account and brought to justice, whether it’s something that’s occurring on a personal level in our daily social interactions with our peers, or something that our politicians and lawmakers are doing.

We born women must come together to make the change we want to see in the world happen. No one else is going to do it for us. The time to form an effective resistance movement and demand a fairer world for women is now and it’s really exciting that radical feminism is beginning to flourish again.

If you are a woman and you haven’t yet joined us, will you stand with radical feminists to fight the forces of patriarchal control?

Dear liberal feminists from a radfem sister

Dear Liberal Feminists,

If you are a liberal feminist, you probably see self proclaimed radical feminists like me as the enemy. After all, you’ve been taught to hate feminists like me, yet do you ever wonder why, when all we are fighting for is women’s liberation from male violence, male domination, and male control?

Women make up around 52% of every countries population, when we unite sisterhood is so powerful. You only have to look to the past, to the incredible gains made for women by our Second Wave sisters, to see what can happen when women unite.

Who would benefit from turning us against each other?

In whose interests do you think it is, to prioritize male interests and whims, over female bodied people’s real needs, real oppression, and real concern?

I am not against you but we both know we live in a patriarchy, and though you are probably familiar with that word, you might not realise exactly what it means, what it has done to you, to me, to all of us in society, even to men.

Patriarchy had taught us all to hate women, taught us all too well.

So well, so effectively, even when we are women ourselves, patriarchy teaches us that other women, even when they fight with our best interests at heart, are the enemy, if they dare put female needs over male ones.

Do you really believe a white, middle class trans “woman” born into a male body, and all the privilege that comes with having one, is truly more oppressed than a black working class biologically female lesbian?

The liberal left tells you yes, trans women are more oppressed, the most oppressed. And you follow what they say, and turn against your sisters, sisters who are fighting for your rights, who will always fight for your rights, even though you hate us, spit in our faces and scream TERF at us over and over again.

We are fighting for you because we love you, we love all women, even the ones that piss us off, even the ones that spit and scream in our faces.

We love women because we are women and we have unlearned the lessons of patriarchy which teaches us to hate ourselves.

Loving women is not something our society encourages. That’s why it hates radical feminists so much, because we do love women, and we will fight for women’s interests, over men’s.

So you attack us, following the current liberal dogma, screaming TERF even though somewhere inside, if you really stop and think, you know something feels wrong.

Why does it feel wrong sometimes?

Think about who is telling you to turn against us?

Who tells you trans women are the most oppressed, who screams it the loudest?

Does this sentiment most often and most strongly come from male mouths, or female ones?

Has your movement ever centred ONE thing that exclusively could ONLY effect biological females?

You know, things like child brides, honour killings of Muslim women, female infanticide, abortion, poor girls who are prevented from going to school because of lack of access to sanitary products, Female Genital Mutilation, breastfeeding mothers?

Think about it.

Now ask yourself this question.

Do you really still think you’re part of a truly feminist movement?

The reason for most women’s oppression is our biology, not our gender identity.

This is not to say, some passing trans women, won’t be perceived as having female biology and suffer some, a tiny fraction of the discrimination that born women face from birth.

But even then, they have a lifetime of male socialisation, male privilege, and they still have male biology, a biology our society loves, a body we privilege in nearly every walk of life.

Are you sure your movement really cares about women with female biology?

How can you be sure when they tell you female biology doesn’t exist, that a vagina is not female, that uteruses are just a body part?

Do you believe that’s true?

Do you really believe trans women’s are women just because they say they are?

Do you really, truly believe that a female child in Pakistan could tell her “husband” she was male, and he would not force her into marriage, not force her into his bed?

If not why not?

Is it because of her biology?

Is it because you know, deep down, that saying something doesn’t necessarily make it so, particularly when it comes to ignoring the scientific fact of biology?

Could your father have given birth to you?

If not, why not?

All we are doing, us witches, us TERFS, is trying to keep the hard won sex based rights, and legal protections, our sisters secured for women back in the 70’s and 80’s.

We are doing this not because we hate trans people, because we don’t hate them, nor do we wish them any harm.

We don’t want to stop trans people dressing how they want, or even changing their bodies, if they want, though we don’t want the medical establishment to give harmful blockers like Lupron to children under the age of 16.

We definitely would be the first ones out screaming on the streets if anyone tried to take away the protections and rights that trans people currently have under the protected category of Gender Reassignment, which guarantees them access to healthcare, respect, and protection from discrimination.

We definitely think it would be healthier to dismantle the system of gender itself, which pushes harmful, limiting stereotypes on men and women, than it is to medicate healthy bodies, and cut of healthy sexual organs.

But we can’t stop grown adults doing what they want to their bodies and we don’t want to. That’s not what this is about.

What this is about are the harmful proposed Self ID laws the UK government and many other governments around the world are currently considering. We don’t agree with allowing anyone to self identify and say they are a woman just because they say so..

Because in this patriarchal society, which hates women, and resents the gains towards liberation we have made, we know what is likely to happen if you allow just anyone to say they are a woman.

We know because it’s already happening.

Women can’t say we suffer oppression because of our biology. We can’t state this simple fact or we are called TERFs. You know this is true because this is what you call us yourself.

And soon, it will be hate speech to speak this simple truth.

But will that stop the female genital mutilation, the sexual harassment that women exponentially suffer from because men see female biology and assign lesser value to it, the rapes, the lack of sanitary protection for poor women, the domestic violence, the murder, the many, many degrading pornographic images and videos of people with female biology.

Can you be sure the Self ID law won’t be abused by predators like Ian Huntley, who is now self identifying as Nicola, the name of one of his victim’s mother?

Will making female biology hate speech end all the injustice and oppression biological women and girls suffer from?

Will passing self ID guarantee that predatory men who hate women won’t use it as a chance to trample over the gains born women have made?

If so, carry on doing what you are doing.

If not, you might want to reconsider whose interests you are fighting for when you centre male interests, and place male needs over women’s, over your own.

I know you’re just trying to survive in a world that hates women, people with female biology.

I know it feels good to feel like your the special one, the cool girl, the one who isn’t hated by men.

But they only act like they don’t hate you because at the moment at least you’re useful to them. You do everything they tell you to do don’t you?

Have you tried to see what would happen when you voice a contrary opinion or try to centre your own female needs to Leftie men like Owen Jones?

I think inside you already know.

Do you really think when they won’t even let women organise against our own sex oppression as class, that Leftie men really care about you?

You are a woman after all. And not the kind liberal left guys like Owen Jones like.

You’re have the wrong biology for that I’m afraid.

The worst part is, liberal left is guys like Owen Jones don’t even see trans women as women.

They show that they see trans women as men, by centering them, and supporting them, even when trans women threaten violence to an incredibly oppressed group, biological women and girls.

Leftie men like Owen Jones show that they really see trans women as men when they let trans women tell born women how to identify, telling us we must use the term cis.

Leftie guys like Owen won’t even let born women define ourselves, let alone define anyone else.

That’s how we know they see trans women as men. But they see you as a woman. They will always see you as just a woman.

Because of your biology.

And if one day you need help and support, they won’t be there for you, because they don’t care.

But we care. And we will always be there.

If you think that by selling your sisters out, by turning away from us, or by screaming TERF at us, it will make the kind of men who hate women love you or even like you, you are sadly mistaken.

The only kind of women they will ever like or love, are the kind they really see as men.

If you are reading this, know we radical feminists will always fight for you. But we can’t guarantee we will win, because women are hated, especially women who fight for other women.

We will never give up,though we wish you would join us.

Because the simple truth is, if you and other women like you stand with us, if all women stand with us, we know we could end all this injustice, put a stop to all the oppression.

We know this because we, women are half the population, and we know this because sisterhood is powerful.


Your radfem Sister

Boycott UK Labour – The Party that HATES women

104456730-352-k968489The Labour Party have just announced that biological women who want to apply for positions in Young Labour must self-identify, or they will not be eligible for these places.  On the other hand, anyone else who self-identifies as a woman, aka any biological male, will automatically be eligible for any of the “women only” positions the Labour Party previously reserved for the female sex.

The party political decision was recently announced by Dawn Butler, and is a staggering one, not least because of the implications for biological women everywhere.

The Labour Party has drawn its line in the sand, and made it clear, it is NOT a party for women, it is a party that hates their agency and wants to erode it.  Now 100% of the positions within Labour are eligible to biological males.  This is incredibly problematic for several reasons, not least because we all know that no matter how you identify, sex based discrimination is real.

Do we really believe that if a woman were to identify as a man, she would be treated with the same privileges? Not unless she had taken hormones and had surgery so that she resembled a biological male.  Even then UK law says, she is still ineligible to inherit aristocratic titles reserved purely for the male sex.

Sex based discrimination is real, and women lose out every day because of it.  With this misogynistic pronouncement, Labour are declaring they don’t care, they don’t care that it’s harder for women to gain political power, which is why positions had to be set aside for them in the first place.

What on earth is the point of reserving these positions, if they are going to open them to all anyway? And if all it takes to claim a spot reserved for women is to self-identify, are we really all so sure this policy of Labour’s won’t be abused by pernicious Men’s Right’s Activists, who would do anything to remove biological women from positions of power.

That’s right, biological women.  Strangely MRA’s seem quite peachy keen on trans women.  I wonder why, could it be that they hate biological women, oh I don’t know, because they are biologically female?

UK law it seems, still recognizes sex as a protected characteristic, at least for now, though UK Labour clearly do not.  The party is in fact in breach of the law with this recent announcement, not least because the proposed Gender reforms that would make self-idenfication legal, have not yet been passed, nor codified into our British legal system.

The party also finds itself in flagrant breach of British law with its recent appointment of Lily Madigan, formerly Liam Madigan, to the role of Women’s Officer for Rochester and Strood.  Lily is not in possession of a Gender Recognition Certificate and so is not legally a woman in the eyes of the British courts, a strange conundrum indeed because Labour’s own policy explicitly states that the position can only go to a legally recognized woman.

Yet Labour do not seem to care about breaking the law, nor about the hundreds of women who have already loudly voiced their concerns about the party’s enthusiasm for self-identification.  Peculiarly though, it does appear to care rather disproportionately about the tiny proportion of transgender activists who demand access to biological women’s bathroom’s, women’s positions, women’s spaces.

Labour cares so much in fact, that Venice Allan, a gender critical feminist and Labour Party member was recently booted out of the Labour Feminist Christmas Party, because her presence was apparently making Lily Madigan feel unsafe.  Yes we live in an age where anyone who does not agree with the Labour Party’s current ethos, that anyone can be a woman, that sex is not a biological reality, and the basis of women’s oppression, becomes a threat to be removed or no-platformed.

Labour, previously the party of free speech, is now in perilous danger of becoming the party of fascist totalitarianism, if it isn’t there already.  And of course let’s not forget, yet another extremely sinister, but easy to overlook drawback about the party’s  enthusiastic love-in with self-identification.

By forcing women to self-identify as  women and by simultaneously declaring “anyone can be a woman” if they say they are, regardless of sex” Labour handily both coerce women into agreeing they embrace oppression and erase the possibility of discussing that oppression in one fell swoop.

After all how can you possibly be oppressed because of your sex if trans women are just the same as you.  Aren’t Labour actually saying that sex doesn’t exist and anyone can be a woman?

And, hints Labour insidiously, how can women be oppressed?  After all, look by self-identifying as a woman, they are choosing to be a woman, and who would voluntarily choose to be oppressed?  No, the party’s logic goes, if women are choosing to be women, therefore they are choosing all that comes with that.  It means they identify with the sex role stereotyping, the misogyny, the disbarring from public life, the harassment, the under-representation, the idea that what makes a woman is a pretty dress and a pair of heels, the list goes on …and on.

Women wake up.  Resign your Labour party membership.  We have tried to reason with senior Labour figures, even at the highest level, yes Jeremy Corbyn, I am talking about you too, but they haven’t listened.  We have tried to broach meaningful discussion with the party’s various apparatchiks, but they have dismissed our concerns as well.

Meanwhile, the momentum machine roles misogynistically on, hell bent on erasing women’s hard won progress and collecting our subscription fees while doing it.  Confident on their power, drunk on their arrogance, they count on women to propel them into number 10, where you can wager they will try and implement their brand of brocialism to the detriment of women.

I don’t care how great you think Corbyn is, or how much of a die hard left winger you have always been.  The truth is plain to see, Labour hates women.  If you are one, GET OUT NOW.

Boycott Labour, hit them where it hurts, in the wallet and at the ballot box.  Women are a hugely powerful body politic, let’s not let ourselves be used to prop up a party that clearly has no regard for us.

This misogynistically soaked version of the Labour party needs to be taught a hard lesson. Perhaps once they have hemorrhaged enough female support, finally Labour will do what they should have done from the off, listen to women and boot out the disgusting misogynists who hate them.


Backlash Part One – The Great Libfem Con


Why were feminists always hated until now? We are witnessing a strange new phenomena, an age where even men seem keen to don the label feminist.


It might seem good on the surface right, like finally men have grown some empathy or something?


Just what we women always hoped for eh?


Unfortunately, this is far from the case.


Feminism used to be a dirty word, because feminism used to challenge the patriarchal system of dominance.


Now feminism has been blunted, in the guise of liberal feminism, it poses no threat to the male system of dominance over women aka patriarchy.  


So of course it’s not a dirty word anymore, in fact it’s a useful word, as it conditions women into thinking they aren’t oppressed anymore because everyone, everything, is feminist now.


Now, feminism is the progressive buzz word on everyone’s lips in the West, political parties are keen to champion the cause, celebrities of both sexes regularly claim to be feminists, and the term is constantly bandied about in popular media.


You’d think, with all this apparent newfound enthusiasm for all things feminist that the centuries old system of patriarchy would be done with by now wouldn’t you?


Scratch ever so lightly the glossy surface of the utopia liberal feminism imagines every women to be living in though, and the inequities and injustices are glaringly obvious.


Once women see the truth of their own oppression through the lens of radical feminism, they can’t deny it.


Liberal feminism masks women’s oppression but because it does this, it’s extremely vulnerable to reality.


Even something as simple as asking a liberal feminist conditioned woman if she really believes she’s treated with the same respect as her male colleague, husband, or brother, can create a  powerful triggering effect that forces her to confront a reality, she’s long suspected existed, but that her liberal feminist ideology forced her to suppress.


Other great questions to ask a liberal feminist or any woman who has bought into the liberal lie of equality…


Why are high acheiving women still regularly paid 20% less than their male counterparts?


Why, is there a 5.7% prosecution rate of all rape cases committed upon females in England and Wales?


Why is it a human rights violation for a biological male to be denied the right to define themselves as a woman but absolutely fine for women to be told they cannot talk about the basic facts of their biology?


And if we really are all equal now, why are women’s appearances constantly scrutinized while men’s largely left alone, no matter how they appear?


Gay men have more cultural visibility now, including feminine gay men, but where is the Butch lesbian? Where, even is the lesbian at all?


And why is it considered taboo  to ask a gay man to consider a relationship with a biological woman, or a straight man to consider a relationship or sexual encounter with a male, but expected that lesbian’s at least consider accomodating biological men aka trans women in their beds?


Could it be that for all the hyperbole liberal feminism is not really feminism at all?


Could it be women still have a need, a very great need for actual feminism, radical feminism, real feminism? The kind of feminism that gives women the solution to their actual problem – male cultural domination.


Feminism used to have fangs, which was why men didn’t like it very much.


Why would they? Feminist philosophy challenged the unequal slave caste system they had built for themselves on every level.


Radical feminists dismantled the social untruths men had been peddling for centuries, such as women weren’t equipped to be engineers, mechanics, or math professors, providing men with reams of evidence to the contrary, women excelling in these and all of the other fields we’d previously been barred from entering.


We did this by raising consciousness in females, awakening them to their own oppression, and offering them a healthier alternative than the patriarchal system that limited their lives.


We did this by pressuring the patriarchal system to allow women access to opportunities, education, and jobs previously denied to us.


Thanks to the Second Wave of feminist activity in the 70’s, we forced the doors open to so many areas of life we had been previously excluded from.


We also challenged the rigid sex stereotypes that dictated women should always be feminine.


This was important and went way beyond mere superficial appearances because by first dubbing feminine inferior, then forcing women to be feminine,  and dictating to us what feminine looks like, men had successfully subordinated us to the role they like women in best – servile and passive.


So we rejected the sex stereotyping that told us we must wear make up, wax the hair from our bodies, and don painful stilettos that cripple our feet and cause us injury. We did this because not all of us were feminine, some of us were masculine,  and certainly none of us were feminine in the way men wanted us to be.  


We redefined what the feminine actually is, which looks nothing like the patriarchal construct of femininity, and we also asserted that women can have masculine traits, behaviours, appearances, manners of speech, ways of sitting, and styles of dress, and that this is totally normal and natural.


We did this because in all our glorious diversity as females, whether we were a masculine expressing female or a feminine expressing one, we wanted to be ourselves.  


Previously, before the Second Wave,only men were allowed to be themselves and we weren’t having that anymore.


We wanted to be truckers and oil rig workers, mechanics, and math professors, CEOs and bankers, we wanted to wear pants and cut our hair, we wanted to go make up free, and yes, of course some of us didn’t want those things but that was fine too.


Because not all men want to be truckers and CEOs and bankers and mechanics either. Not all men want to wear pants, some of them want to wear dresses, some of them are much more comfortable staying home and looking after the kids than holding down a 9-5 and being the main breadwinner.


That never held back the men that did want those things though.  Why should it, when people are naturally diverse, why should people be limited?


Except of course, women were not considered people back before the Second Wave occurred.


And liberal feminism is working overtime to ensure any progress we have made to liberation is being eroded, indeed we are currently undergoing a big backlash against the idea that women are people in our own right.


Limiting women by enforcing the rigid sex role system ensures patriarchy can continue.


We tried to change that, and we were making progress, but then came the backlash.


We knew men would try to resist women’s newfound emancipation but I don’t think even we could anticipate the multitude of sneaky and devious ways the patriarchy would double down to cling on to an unequal status quo.


So how, after we’d made so much progress, how did society circle back on itself  to the point where the idea of what a woman is, is once again all about the constructed stereotype of femininity.  The woman box is narrow once again, and according to society comes with liking pink, having long hair, speaking softly, being feminine, and wearing dresses and make-up.

How did we go backward?


And how the hell did we get to the mess we’re currently in where feminism itself has been co-opted and subverted to uphold patriarchy?


Stay tuned for the next part of how the patriarchy lashed back at the Second wave gains feminists had made coming in my next blog post…and stay radical my sisters;)

Let’s make 2018 the year we kick patriarchy in the balls…



Feminism is apparently 2017’s word of the year, according to dictionary site Merriam-Webster.


This year was the year we saw the #MeToo campaign, and the outpouring  of account after account of incidents of sexual harassment, rape, and assault that women have suffered at the hands of men.


It might seem that finally women are feeling empowered to speak out about the injustices we suffer every day because of our sex class.


Yet, liberation is more than just a hashtag, more in fact even, than just being able to get your attacker to actually serve decent jail time.


True liberation for women will only have arrived when every woman on the planet is valued as a person fully deserving of respect, regardless of whether males approve of her existence, appearance, manner, career, ambitions, and behaviour.


At the moment, we are so far from that point as a sex class.


Yes, sex exists, it is real, and it is the core reason we are discriminated against.


If anyone, particularly a male person,  tries to tell you sex does not exist, know that what they are actually attempting to do is prevent you from naming your oppression.


Our biology has, for centuries made us almost universally hated, distrusted, and derided, by men, and because of our biology we have been made second class citizens.

Because of our biology our reproductive choices have been dictated to us by men, we have been subjected to sexual assault, rape, murder, torture, and abuse, again by men, we have been barred from education, the right to vote, and from entering the professions.

And because of our biology, we have been forced to behave, look, talk, walk and dress, as male people want us to, and then dubbed inferior when we have co-operated.


When we have not co-operated we have been demonized, persecuted, medicalised, dismissed as lunatics, or downright ignored.


When brilliant women like Margaret Hamilton, the woman who wrote the code that took humanity to the moon, pop up, they are immediately written out of history.

Of course they must be. Patriarchy cannot tolerate examples of female excellence.

It’s a startling testament to the persistence of women, that Hamilton  managed to achieve what she did, given the regressive  misogynistic atmosphere of the 60’s, where it was much harder for a woman to  get an education than it is in most Western societies today, where there were even less women in science and far less professional women in general.


Yet Hamilton comes along, a clear example of the potential and brilliance and tenacity of women, and what does the patriarchy do with her?


Does it applaud her?  Praise her for her triumph despite every obstacle being pushed in her path?


No.  Instead it rewarded her immense contribution to humankind by writing her out of history and giving a man the credit.


There are millions of Margaret Hamiltons, both in the past and today, women who from the start are discouraged from bettering themselves through education.  Instead of educating themselves, following their passion, and nurturing healthy ambition, women are encouraged by patriarchal culture to become fashion models, strippers, prostitutes, wives, stay at home mothers, domestic servants, appearance obsessed airheads who’s only concern is to make themselves as decorative as possible so they are prime objects for male sexual desires.


Our society does love a servile woman who knows her place, I.e. beneath a man, always.


When women stick two fingers up to patriarchy and persist anyway, even when they excel in their careers, as we frequently do, we are continually undermined, under praised, harrassed, under promoted, and overlooked, simply because we belong to a sex class that male people continually want to oppress.


We are not a free people when society so freely hates and disrespects us if we refuse to adopt the servile position, an inferior station to men.


We are not free if society does not take our word for it when we say we have been assaulted, harassed, raped, beaten, tortured.  And it often does not take our word for it, according to rapecrisis.org, of the 85,000 rapes committed upon women in England and Wales, in the year 2017, only 5.7 % resulted in a successful prosecution.


We are not free when we have to remove our body hair lest we be ridiculed and reviled when we walk down the street.


We are not free when we have to starve our bodies of nourishment and healthy food in order for our presence in the world to be tolerated, and for insults and slurs like “fat cow” or “pig” not to be levelled at us.


We are not free when we are sold and traded, trafficked, and used by males for their sexual pleasure.


We are not free when so many legal images and videos of us exist that depict us in degrading positions, being choked, raped, beaten, strangled, tortured, and generally denigrated.


We are not free when we reject males as sexual partners because we prefer females, and society thinks it has the right to force us to accept a penis in our bed, and if we still refuse, label us bigots.


Yes trans activists and liberal feminists I’m talking about you here.


If you are a female person who is not yet a radical feminist, you might even imagine you are free, that because you have a good job, a boss who praises you instead of criticizes you, a husband that loves you, you are lucky.


But are you free, really?  How much of your life is lived as you truly would want to live it, and how many times do you do things, say things, wear things, not because you want to but because you feel you have to?


How many times have you felt afraid walking home alone at night because of the threat if male violence?


How often have you wished you could ask your partner to do his share of the chores but feel you can’t do it because it would emasculate him and he might get angry?


How many times have you lowered your voice in the presence of a man, let him talk over you, undermine you, patronize you, while the whole time you simmered quietly inside?


Would you really, truly want to shave your legs if you could be liked, loved in your natural, hairy state?


Men can. They are loved and liked by our society in all shapes and sizes, old and young, fat and skinny, balding and hirsute.


Men do not owe society the debt of being beautiful, for women the luxury of being fine however they are is not allowed.


We must be beautiful and what is considered beauty is solely defined by males.


Men do not live in fear of sexual violence, men do not feel they must lower their voices or stifle their opinions when women are present.


They have not been socialised to be servile, they have been socialised to be waited on, so they do not help out, because they have been taught that to do so is women’s work.


 Why should women not be deserving of exactly the same respect as men? Why should we need to be beautiful in order to be allowed to exist? Why should we live in fear of male predatory behaviour, harassment, assault, and abuse?

Why should we have to serve men?

Even when we make ourselves beautiful we are still despised, a woman who is viewed as beautiful by patriarchal standards has no more respect, no more voice than a woman viewed as unattractive.


The only difference of course, is the beautiful woman gets the dubious reward of being even more sexually objectified. But all women, no matter how they appear, are sexually objectified, because under patriarchy we are only viewed as objects, objects that exist solely to serve men, for their sexual pleasure.


Our value is directly correlated to how sexually appealing we are to males.  Every single female person who is born learns this, which is why so many of us are desperate to adopt the costume of femininity, the robes of a hairless, infantile, brainless, docile, servile, silent, passive, painted male created parody, a grotesquerie of what men want women to be.


Men do not seem to want opinionated women, strong women, women with lush full hips and natural breasts, men  do not want hairy women with bushy armpits and unshaven legs, men do not want successful, brilliant, powerful women.


Most of all men seem firmly opposed to women’s true liberation, to us living as freely as men live, to us being respected as men are.


Of course men don’t want us to be free.  Why would they?


They are addicted to the thrill of their superiority, outraged at the very idea of having to share the world with women on any kind of equal footing. Men are entitled to the point of gross arrogance at the very idea that we might be our own beings.


In men’s minds, women only seem to exist for men.


The reason radical (aka real) feminists are derided is because we say the exact  opposite. We demand to exist only for ourselves.  Patriarchy cannot bear a truly feminist woman, because she continually refuses to exist for men.


She does not need male approval, even if she is sexually attracted to men, she still does not seek their approval.

Just as men who are sexually attracted to women do not seek their approval, the radical feminist who is attracted to males sexually, does not need male approval.

If men are in her life, it will be on her terms, in a mutually respectful, healthy, relationship geared towards equal pleasure for both sexes.


The reason so many women co-operate with patriarchy, why they pluck, wax, shave, and starve, why they do not speak up, why they play dumb when males are around, why they do not display their anger, is not because women have a deep seated burning desire to be as sexually attractive as possible to as many men as they can, so they can have endless bouts of sexual gymnastics.


It’s not about sexual attraction for women. It’s about needing, desperately needing to survive.  To not have the whole of society turn on you, persecute you, humiliate you, insult you, threaten you, and sometimes even, kill you.

For women, culture indoctrinates us that to survive in this culture we need to be sexually attractive to males.


Culture teaches us, we must be complicit to male desire. It tells us we must be pretty, passive, subservient, and that if we are not we will suffer a heavy penalty.

Women are killed every day, even in Britain, supposedly one of the most progressive countries on the planet for women, killed for not cooperating with patriarchy, for daring to go against their violent husband’s wishes, for standing up to men’s abuses, for refusing their sexual advances.


Women everyday in Britain, and countries all across the globe are publicly insulted for their weight, looks, appearance,  and manner of dress.


Women everywhere are punished should our behaviour be deemed unacceptable, I.e. if we are anything other than passive, docile, servile, particularly if we are not passive, docile, servile to men.


It’s no coincidence the latest wave of so called progressive lefty men rush to champion the prostitute, or as they dub prostitutes, sex workers.  


That’s their ideal woman, objectified, exploited, dependant on men for her source of income, hyper-feminized, there solely for male sexual use.


No wonder these so called progressive men much prefer the idea of decriminalizing prostitution, including making it completely legal for pimps and johns to buy and sell women and girls.


No wonder those men eschew the Nordic Model, which criminalizes only the sex buyers, and decriminalises the prostitute, a model that has not only been proven to increase prostituted women’s safety, but also provides them with exit strategies, education, and even financial support so they can leave the exploitative sex trade far behind.


In short, the Nordic Model is a nightmare model for men who seek to exploit women.


The last thing those men want is less women available for their sexual use. Men in general, it must be said, seem to love powerless women, and appear to hate women with agency.


Our media reflects this, we greedily consume story upon story of women as victim, or hyper-sexualized doll mmming and hawwing in fake sympathy at the rape victim, or scrutinizing Kim Kardashian’s thighs, all the while vicariously enjoying the thrill of a subjugated or sexualised woman.


And when we do see a story about a powerful woman, a political woman, a successful female scientist, as a society we feel revolted, our instinct being outrage, how dare she rise above her station?


In our culture, we love to see a powerful woman stripped of her agency, removed of her dignity, disgraced in her profession.


That will teach the uppity c**t, thinks the misogynist.


Oh, Mr Misogynist, we powerful women, we do not lie down. Not for you, so you can beat off in a grubby basement to your hate porn, not for any tom, dick, or harry down the street who thinks they have the right to grade us according to the male scale of value, according to our looks.


We do not lie down,not ever, not for the rapist who chokes us, or beats us, not even when he is penetrating us, he still cannot possess us, for we will never lie down.


We are powerful women, women the world over have this power to resist within them, and so, indeed, all women are powerful.


Women united are especially powerful.


Misogynist, you should fear this.


As a sex class, we will always rise, just like we have always risen, just as we have always resisted you.   We will be free.


We will work too, to ensure our sisters are free from your clutches.


We will do this because we know that until women as a class are free, until every woman is free, none of us are free.  For as long as it is acceptable for women to be culturally derided for daring to not be decorative, for as long as sexual crimes against women continue to be disregarded as low level crimes, if they are regarded as crimes at all, if you are female you are not free.


None of us can be free. Yet.


We are not free yet. We must change that, so my hope is this year, this coming 2018, every female person will awaken to her bondage.  I hope women everywhere will begin to identify the many, many ways we are bound by the invisible chains of patriarchy, and I hope we will begin to break those chains that bind us.


As as radical feminist I am single minded in my desire to bring women to consciousness, to empower then to shake free of the shackles of patriarchy.


There are many like me.  We cannot be silenced.


 I hope every female will soon come to discover the radical position and learn how it can help to undo the misogynist conditioning that has been indoctrinated into her since birth.  


We must undo the false doctrine that has taught women to live in fear and detest our own bodies, that tells us we are not beings in her own right, entitled to our own desires, thoughts and feelings but that we must only exist to please men.


No, we do not. We reject this doctrine.  We exist for ourselves.


Let’s, as women, unite with other women to demand true liberation, for all women, everywhere.


And let’s say bollocks to patriarchy this 2018.

Men will always make the same choices…women need to take power for ourselves…

80d94593082e33c9518f7dd8978f11bc-554It’s striking the amount of deep-rooted hatred, revulsion and disrespect our society, and the world holds towards women.


Misogyny is rife nearly everywhere you turn, from Matt Damon’s patronising and public attempt to define how women should feel about sexual harassment, to the way some trans rights activists think it’s acceptable to tell women what they should call themselves, issuing rape and death threats to biological women for daring to mention their biology.  

Misogyny, aka the hatred of female born women,  is at the heart of all the discrimination, harassment, rape, torture, infanticide, and slaughter of female babies, girls and women, in Britain, in America, and all across the globe.


Some people think women have come a long way, and while that may be true in certain countries in some respects, I.e women can now study at university in modern day Britain, have careers as lawyers, doctors etc… in many other crucial ways, misogyny has never disappeared and has even morphed into evermore malignant strains.


What am I talking about? 


Perhaps you think it’s not possible that anything could be worse for women today than it was in say Victorian times or even medieval times?


No one would argue that in medieval times women had more freedom than today, that would be an obvious nonsense.

Medieval women had to suffer the scold’s bridle, witch trials, and were banned from getting an education and entering the professions.

But unlike modern women they didn’t have hate porn.  They didn’t have pressure to be a size Zero and the subsequent skyrocketing rates of anorexia that we see in girls and women today, they didn’t have trans activists issuing them death threats for daring to state that yes, the female sex exists.


I say this not to advocate a return to medieval times, which would be frightful, but to illustrate the many and devious ways the slippery serpent that is misogyny develops, morphs, and changes – in response to women’s progress in society.

As soon as women make any kind of progress towards making their own choices, if those choices are in conflict with the ones men want women to make, you can be sure misogyny will rear its ugly head.

After all, what is hate porn but the sexualization of men’s contempt, anger, and frustration to women?

The endless videos and pictures depicting women being choked, raped, beaten, insulted, slapped, and otherwise denigrated and humiliated are regularly viewed by men in their millions.

This is material designed by males for males, created so males can derive a puerile sense of power from watching the denigration of a female human being.


Why do they need to do this, particularly now?  

Why now are we seeing the influx of this stuff, why are we bombarded with wave after wave of images and videos depicting the cruel, inhumane, and nausea inducing acts that men want to do to women or at the very least, to see done to women.


Apart from the obvious answer, which is that as humanity embraces technology the creation and sharing of all sorts of materials good and bad is enabled, there is another simple, yet appalling truth to be found.


There is a clear correlation with the rise of hate porn that depicts the denigration of women and the shift that has taken place in society, where (some) women have broken free of the patriarchal home (aka kitchen) shaken off their (un) happy housewife role and begun to participate in careers and public life for themselves.  More women today than ever before, at least in modern Britain, have a voice, have financial independence, choose not get married, or have children.


For some reason, seeing women make independent choices they (men) don’t want them to make, and having to interact with women on any sort of equal platform makes men itch. It makes them feel uncomfortable.


It’s not an exaggeration to say they outright resent it,  I have known some men who are incensed to the point of rage just by seeing a women with power with position, with a voice.




The big reason for this is patriarchal society, a society that conditions men from birth to believe that they and only they must be the brave adventurers venturing forth into the world, they and only they should earn the money, they and only they are capable, clever, rational, logical, talented.


So when along a woman comes who is cleverer, better, smarter, more logical, more talented than they, or heck, when any woman comes along at all doing anything men have been taught only they should do, well hey presto.

Men panic. Men hate.

Men panic and hate because her very presence makes them feel less “masculine”.  This is something most men desperately need to feel because culture, their culture, continually tells them they must.

By purporting the lie that males must be masculine and females feminine, and assigning superiority to the masculine and inferiority to the feminine, men ensure they must be masculine, whether they are or not, or they fail to be a man.

They’ve trapped themselves, the poor deluded fools.

In reality anyone can be masculine or feminine, regardless of sex. Boys can like baking, or wearing pink, or paint painting their nails, just because those are “feminine” things it doesn’t mean they have failed as men. Equally, girls can enjoy climbing trees, digging dirt, driving monster trucks, and shaving their heads, just because those are seen as stereotypical masculine things, it doesn’t mean they aren’t women.

Liking feminine things or being feminine in your expression, behaviour, or speech does not a woman make. Femininity is not the sole preserve of women but in patriarchy it gets forced on us because it is dubbed inferior by MEN.

So when confronted with a powerful woman,  the fragile little lambs (men)  are faced with a threat.  They feel less of a man and need to actualise themselves back to feeling masculine quick smart. 

The typical, easiest and quickest (sickest? way they have managed to get back to feeling the sense of superiority this sick, sick society tells them they should have, is by denigrating that woman, any woman, all women.

Sick, ain’t it?   And to think, they’ve done all this, not only to women but also to themselves.

All because men’s need for a slave class, a subjugated people (women) is so great. So great, they don’t care even if men suffer because of it. The irony is that even though men are benefiting from patriarchy, they are also suffering from patriarchy too.  Not that I much care at this point in time.

I care about women.  Women did not create patriarchy, they do not benefit from it. I centre them.

And so men stubbornly continue, clinging to patriarchy, instead of just embracing people, all people, as people.  People with an infinite ability to be feminine or masculine, irrespective of sex.  You’d think one of these days men would, you know, do the human thing wouldn’t you?


And to think women are the ones that get blamed for everything.

Men today might well have a female doctor, a female professor, a female boss, but if they can still degrade women as a class, if they can reduce us to nothing but objects, bodies, then men can, in their own tiny minds, keep their special (aka) superior status.


None of this is women’s problem of course. They didn’t create patriarchy, they didn’t create a society that keeps pushing this unhealthy viewpoint onto males, a viewpoint which women end up inevitably bearing the brunt of.


Men did. This is what they do, this is what they will always choose to do whenever they have freewill to create whatever society they want.


This is not a hateful thing to say, it is simply the truth. It’s been centuries, millennia even now.


We can only come to the conclusion that this is what men do.


Who has had freewill to fashion the world in the way they want to for centuries?  Clue, it’s not women.


The way the world is, in a patriarchy, is exactly how men want it. There are no excuses that can possibly be made on men’s behalf for the society they have created, a society that consistently despises women.


If women want a different world, there is no other choice but to take the power.  Whenever they have the power, men will always make the same choices, albeit in different ways, a fact evidenced by patriarchy all over the globe. From Britain to Afghanistan, wherever men are in control, patriarchy thrives, and women receive second class status.


My plea is this, to any woman reading this, if you have not already aligned yourself with radical feminist causes, if you are not yet working to end patriarchy, to end the power men have over women, my question is why?


Don’t you deserve better? Better than being labelled a second class citizen?  


If you are disheartened because you feel men will never relinquish their power you are right.


But we don’t need men to give up their power.  Because we have the power to take it from them.


If you think I’m wrong, just imagine this.


If every woman on the planet said no to patriarchy, stuck two fingers up to misogyny, if every woman united in support, the way sisters can unite and have proved they can unite before, the way we have united in other struggles against injustice, do you think we would still have a patriarchy?  


I think not. I know not.


If women everywhere unite in solidarity, patriarchy will be done with overnight.


It wouldn’t matter what men want or how much they resisted.   Half the world’s population is more than enough to win this war. Let’s pluck misogyny out by the root and create a culture where misogyny cannot thrive, a world that nourishes and cherishes women.  And after we create this world, then let’s remain ever watchful so misogyny can never grow back.


If you have a female body, don’t you want to live in a world where you can flourish? I know that world is long overdue…

Look up your local radfem group on FB, or other online spaces, and look too, for ways to reach out and connect with radical feminists in the offline world.

Let’s band together in sisterly solidarity and make a world that loves and respects women.